Ervdul's laughter eventually dies down a few moments after Flicker made their threat and struck down another attacker. "ARCHERS!" He calls out then. At the far end of the battlefield, the attackers' line of archers respond to this call by loosing a volley of arrows upon the party. Flicker is fast enough to avoid the worst of the squall, but everyone else isn't so lucky. Attackers and highwaymen alike fall around the party and even Yosef takes a few arrows, driving some of the life from him. "Pull Yosef back!" Ervdul then orders a nearby pair of freshly arrived attackers. The attackers do as ordered. One advances on Jørmund and pushes the earth genasi back to keep him from interfering in the rescue. Jørmund is able to get a swing in though, taking down as the other attacker begins to drag Yosef away from the fight. Meanwhile, the sight of Yosef being rescued restoes some of the left flank's nerve. They step forward again and resume their engagement, fighting to keep the highwaymen too busy to stop the rescue [hider=OOC] Ervdul orders the attacking archers to fire a volley into the area around the party. Jørmund and Cascade fail their Dexterity saving throws and take [url=]7[/url] points of damage. Flicker succeeds their save and only takes 3 points of damage. Yosef automatically fails the save and takes one step closer to death. Regardless of success all highwaymen and attackers caught in this rain of arrows fall. Two more attackers approach, one shoves Jørmund back and is struck down in turn, the other drags Yosef 10 feet away from the battle. Battlefield: 20 Cascade: 18 <- Aura: 17 Ervdul: 9 Yosef: 8 (Life: 1/3) (Death: 1/3) Jørmund: 5 Flicker: 3 [/hider]