[quote=@Days]Excuse me! No being mean to yourself! Is that any way we can support you?[/quote] <3 I sorta have in mind what I want to write, it's just a matter of putting pen-to-paper. I tend to get bogged down with sheets lol [quote=@Days]I'd be good with that! They could be friends due to living on the same street anyways, and maybe Holly is in the same club one of us was in, for example. Edit: IDK how you guys feel about a Discord but it can help with planning![/quote] Yeah, sure! Just hit me up with any ideas you might have (same goes for [@TGM]). That said, Holly's probably been busy as of late, so she probably hasn't been around to hang anytime recently. Y'know, with her dad dealing with after effects of losing his wife (and now zombies). She's had to step up and essentially being the parent of the house, which now includes making sure they ration well and no stray zombies find their way inside. Honestly, the rest haven't probably seen much if anything at all of the Holloways since the apocalypse happened since Blake is currently struggling with his own issues and Holly has been busy trying to make sure her kid sister doesn't become zombie chow. As for a Discord, I do have one laying around that I use as a central location for my RPs. If you guys want one, I can retool a few things for Left Behind.