[center][h3]Kozukata Cemetery[/h3][/center] [center][b]YURINE, DEATH KEEPER[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Hammerman], [@Restalaan] (SKA & GRI), [@AzureKnight] (HIN & ATS), [@The Irish Tree] (LIL), [@Enkryption] ~[/center] [quote=Liliana][color=f49ac2][b]"Miss, are you alright? I didn't really know the situation before coming here, but...aren't these samurai guys supposed to serve Lord Takeshi? Why were they trying to fight him?"[/b][/color][/quote] Yuwine sighed. "[color=violet]i'm afwaid iwt's nowt thawt simpwe, wittwe owne. Takeshi may be the son of wowd hideo, but sowme wawwiows of shizuyama sewve the iswand's twaditions above aww ewse. They think thawt those who betway the twaditions desewve punishment, even fow peopwe wike takeshi. Especiawwy fow peopwe wike takeshi.[/color]" the owd wawwiow expwained. "[color=violet]nowmawwy, thiws iws nowt a pwobwem. But we awe nowt in any sowt of nowmawcy hewe.[/color]" [quote=Atsuha Hangai][color=9e0b0f]"I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?"[/color][/quote] [quote=Lunatea Vern Farnsworth]"Yes, we were attacked, By Varjans at that. They wanted to think I killed the young lord. Can you believe it?"[/quote] "eww, nowt by vawjans. By wawwiows of shizuyama." the bawe-chested takeshi cwawified. "they wewe twoops undew kikyo. They pwobabwy thought i betwayed ouw homewand by awwying with uwu. I... suppose i cawn't fauwt thewm fow thinking thawt." but the young wowd wemained wesowute. "howevew, attacking me iws a wine they shouwd nevew have cwossed. They desewved whawt happened tuwu thewm hewe." "[color=lavender]miwowd![/color]" kikyo awwived with hew howse, vewy much wate tuwu the pawty. "[color=lavender]awe uwu awwight?![/color]" takeshi, howevew, wooked at hew with disappointment. "i'm quite awwight, kikyo. But i was attacked... by youw men." "[color=lavender]i found thewm acting suspicious eawwiew, so i wawned the yokai taskfowce. Wooks wike they wewe successfuw in saving uwu.[/color]" kikyo expwained befowe disembawking hew steed. "[color=lavender]my wowd, i am vewy sowwy...[/color]" she kneewed awnd bowed hew head in fwont of takeshi. "get up, kikyo." takeshi owdewed befowe wooking tuwu yuwine awnd the taskfowce. "yuwine, take the taskfowce awnd head fow tewauchi tempwe. I wawnt tuwu have a wowd with kikyo awone. Evewyone, uwu aww have my gwatitude fow saving me again. Uwu may have youw eccentwicities, but know thawt i appweciate the hewp uwu continue tuwu give me awnd the iswand." the young wowd then bowed. "[color=violet]miwowd, wiww uwu two be awwight?[/color]" yuwine asked tuwu which takeshi nodded. "[color=violet]vewy weww. Wet's gow, evewyone.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Shizuyama Wilderness[/h3][/center] [center][b]A TIME TO HEAL[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Xaltwind], [@Rezod92], [@The Irish Tree] (EUL) ~[/center] With evewyone in agweement, [u]euwa[/u] accompanied the gwoup towawds the diseased camp. They quickwy wesumed theiw wawk, weaving behind the fawwen vawjan patwow who wewe now missing awmow pieces in theiw outfit. - passing thwough a fowest, the gwoup soon entewed a smaww viwwage wocated inside with onwy thwee ow fouw houses in sight. "[color=fff79a]kishi viwwage. Whiwe i'm gwad thawt the invadews haven't found thiws pwace yet, the peopwe hewe weawwy shouwd head somewhewe safew.[/color]" the monk wemawked. The viwwage was quiet, with nowt a souw outside at the time being. Pewhaps they have indeed evacuated unwike whawt the monk thought. thawt iws, untiw... "[color=39b54a]heawew! heawew![/color]" a viwwagew woman came wunning tuwu the gwoup. "t[color=39b54a]hank goodness, uwu'we hewe![/color]" "[color=fff79a]mika? whawt iws iwt?[/color]" "[color=39b54a]it's my son.[/color]" the woman wepwied. "[color=39b54a]i think he ate something poisonous.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]take me tuwu him.[/color]" the monk immediatewy decwawed befowe tuwning tuwu hiws taskfowce escowt. "[color=fff79a]i know we awe own an uwgent business, but i cannot ignowe thiws. Fowgive me.[/color]" the monk bowed befowe fowwowing the woman tuwu hew house with the taskfowce having no choice but tuwu gow with. as they got cwosew tuwu mika's house, pained gwunts couwd be heawd coming fwom the abode. Entewing, mika showed the heawew awnd the taskfowce hew son: an avewage but cute boy in hiws teenage yeaws. Awthough, hiws pained face whiwe wying own a stwaw mat cwutching hiws stomach mawwed whawt wooks he had. "[color=fff79a]what did he eat?[/color]" the monk immediatewy asked as he began inspecting the boy. "[color=39b54a]just sowme mushwooms we picked eawwiew.[/color]" mika answewed. "[color=39b54a]we have had no food fow a day now awnd we thought they wewe safe.[/color]" the monk nodded hiws head. "[color=fff79a]can uwu show me whewe uwu found the mushwooms?[/color]" mika wesponded with an 'of couwse' awnd the monk tuwned tuwu hiws escowt. "[color=fff79a]i wiww join mika tuwu find the mushwooms. Uwu giwws stay hewe awnd keep an eye own the poow chiwd. Down't wowwy, we won't be wong.[/color]" the monk awnd the mothew then took off, with the wattew asking if hew son wouwd be awwight with the yokai with monk assuwing hew. - awnd so, the taskfowce was weft with the aiwing boy. "[color=00a651]uuughhhh...[/color]" he gwoaned in hiws mat. "[color=00a651]how embawwassing... Awnd i was supposed tuwu confess tuwu hew tomowwow.[/color]" the boy gwoaned again, pwobabwy both fwom the pain awnd the inconvenience. "[color=00a651]we shawed ouw food with hew famiwy a few days ago. We... might have ovewdid iwt...[/color]" "[color=00a651]hey, yokai. The heawew awways said uwu peopwe wewe vewy good at things wike wove...[/color]" the boy stawted. "[color=00a651]do uwu know how tuwu confess tuwu someone without wooking wike a wosew who got sick?[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Kazenosuke's House[/h3][/center] [center][b]KAZENOSUKE, DANCING BLADE[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (SHI), [@Crowvette], [@Nakushita] ~[/center] [u]Shizuka[/u] aimed tuwu pawwy the spinning bwade but once hiws swowd touched kazenosuke's, the opposite happened. The azuwe swowdsman, himsewf, was pawwied awnd kazenosuke spun, swashing shizuka in the awm. Swift wike the wind, the dancing swowdsman managed tuwu add thwee mowe swashes at the fwinched shizuka awnd dwew bwood fwom the taskfowce weadew. but the dancing swowdsman did nowt need tuwu add the thwee additionaw swashes, awnd kazenosuke paid fow iwt by noticing too wate the incoming [u]yuki[/u]. The oni managed tuwu hit kazenosuke's wib with hew cwaws, shwedding cwoth. Kazenosuke wetawiated with a heavy swash thawt [u]yuki[/u] couwd easiwy dodge, but then fowwowed iwt up with a stwong thwust tuwu the bewwy with hiws scabbawd, doing wittwe but sending the oni stumbwing bawck next tuwu [u]shizuka[/u]. kazenosuke began spinning hiws bwade again, hiws uwtimate shiewd. An iwonic use of hiws weapon. [hr] [center][h3]Terauchi Temple[/h3][/center] [center]~ [@Hammerman], [@Restalaan] (SKA & GRI), [@AzureKnight] (HIN & ATS), [@The Irish Tree] (LIL), [@Enkryption] ~[/center] The west of thiws pawticuwaw taskfowce gwoup awwived showtwy aftew [u]awice[/u] did, but the mad hattew had awweady gone tuwu west somewhewe in the tempwe gwounds. Othew than thawt, the tempwe wemained the same as evew. "[color=violet]i'm disappointed thawt the tempwe was actuawwy the headquawtews of yokai sympathizews, but i am awso wewieved iwt has become a haven fow those escaping fwom the vawjan invasion.[/color]" yuwine wemawked upon awwivaw at tewauchi tempwe. "[color=violet]i think i'ww be westing fow now. I'ww see uwu aww watew, yokai.[/color]" "[color=red]oh, wow. Uwu guys have managed tuwu get yuwine.[/color]" ayu came tuwu gweet the awwiving taskfowce. "[color=red]awice awwived nowt wong befowe uwu guys but she's westing somewhewe awound hewe. Anyway, how did the mission gow? howd own, whewe's wowd takeshi? awnd wady kikyo? didn't she gow with uwu guys?[/color]" [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] *Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale* [center]~~ TAKAMORI TALES ~~[/center] [hider=Teacher And Student] "wowd takamowi said thawt hiws twaitowous daughtew, setsuna, iws twaining vawjan awchews in ōmiya. I know thiws fwightens him, even if he twies tuwu hide iwt. If we down't find hew awnd end thiws, thewe may be no stopping the awchews, awnd no hope fow ōmiya spwings. We need tuwu see wowd takamowi immediatewy." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SORAE TALES ~~[/center] *Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale* [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Whispers In The Woods] A viwwagew woman wemawked tuwu the taskfowce membew as the wattew passed by. "you bettew watch out if uwu'we passing yabo fowest, yokai. Iwt's haunted by angwy spiwits... Dead samuwai, eagew tuwu spiww bwood." "peopwe gow intwo the woods awnd nevew come out. Vawjan awnd shizuyaman awike! the bodies thawt tuwn up have aww bewn kiwwed by shizuyaman bwades..." [/hider] [hider=Lost At Sea] A viwwagew woman was sitting beside a bonfiwe as the taskfowce membew appwoached. "thewe's a man, yokai, swinging hiws swowd... swashing the aiw own the beaches of hama iswand. I'm nowt suwe if he iws a suwvivow of sanjo beach, ow a mewe bandit. But i'm faiwwy suwe he was cwying." "hama iswand iws juwst off the southewn coasts, but uwu'ww definitewy need a boat ow something tuwu weach iwt." [/hider] [hider=The Other Side Of Honor] A peasant man eating bawbecued meat own a stick was stawtwed whewn the taskfowce membew appwoached. Iwt appeawed he has news. "yokai! uwu have tuwu teww wowd takeshi, thewe iws anothew samuwai nobwe who suwvived sanjo beach. Hiws nawme iws wowd tonchiki. He's in hiws abode southeast of hewe. If uwu gow see him, i'm suwe he wouwd join youw cause." "eww, maybe nowt. I guess uwu'ww need wowd takeshi himsewf tuwu convince him." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A viwwagew sitting own sowme stone steps in the tempwe stood up whewn the taskfowce membew appwoached. "yokai, i've heawd of a smaww wesistance gwoup gathewing in the imahama awea. I bewieve they'we headed by thawt shwine pwiestess thawt stawted a fight hewe nowt too wong ago." "they'we wecwuiting fawmews awnd fishewmen tuwu theiw cause. Bwave, but iwt'ww be dangewous if they'we nowt twained." [/hider] [center]~~ LEGENDARY TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Heavenly Strike] "deawing with these students of the heavenwy stwike was mowe difficuwt than we thought. They have awweady thwown bawck two of the taskfowce. Howevew, the yokai fought thewm sepawatewy awnd at diffewent times, so pewhaps a mowe coopewative appwoach wouwd be mowe fwuitfuw." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [hr] [hider=Original Text] [center][h3]Kozukata Cemetery[/h3][/center] [center][b]YURINE, DEATH KEEPER[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Hammerman], [@Restalaan] (SKA & GRI), [@AzureKnight] (HIN & ATS), [@The Irish Tree] (LIL), [@Enkryption] ~[/center] [quote=Liliana][color=f49ac2][b]"Miss, are you alright? I didn't really know the situation before coming here, but...aren't these samurai guys supposed to serve Lord Takeshi? Why were they trying to fight him?"[/b][/color][/quote] Yurine sighed. "[color=violet]I'm afraid it's not that simple, little one. Takeshi may be the son of Lord Hideo, but some warriors of Shizuyama serve the island's traditions above all else. They think that those who betray the traditions deserve punishment, even for people like Takeshi. Especially for people like Takeshi.[/color]" The old warrior explained. "[color=violet]Normally, this is not a problem. But we are not in any sort of normalcy here.[/color]" [quote=Atsuha Hangai][color=9e0b0f]"I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?"[/color][/quote] [quote=Lunatea Vern Farnsworth]"Yes, we were attacked, By Varjans at that. They wanted to think I killed the young lord. Can you believe it?"[/quote] "Err, not by Varjans. By warriors of Shizuyama." The bare-chested Takeshi clarified. "They were troops under Kikyo. They probably thought I betrayed our homeland by allying with you. I... suppose I can't fault them for thinking that." But the young lord remained resolute. "However, attacking me is a line they should never have crossed. They deserved what happened to them here." "[color=lavender]Milord![/color]" Kikyo arrived with her horse, very much late to the party. "[color=lavender]Are you alright?![/color]" Takeshi, however, looked at her with disappointment. "I'm quite alright, Kikyo. But I was attacked... by your men." "[color=lavender]I found them acting suspicious earlier, so I warned the yokai taskforce. Looks like they were successful in saving you.[/color]" Kikyo explained before disembarking her steed. "[color=lavender]My lord, I am very sorry...[/color]" She kneeled and bowed her head in front of Takeshi. "Get up, Kikyo." Takeshi ordered before looking to Yurine and the taskforce. "Yurine, take the taskforce and head for Terauchi Temple. I want to have a word with Kikyo alone. Everyone, you all have my gratitude for saving me again. You may have your eccentricities, but know that I appreciate the help you continue to give me and the island." The young lord then bowed. "[color=violet]Milord, will you two be alright?[/color]" Yurine asked to which Takeshi nodded. "[color=violet]Very well. Let's go, everyone.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Shizuyama Wilderness[/h3][/center] [center][b]A TIME TO HEAL[/b][/center] [center]~ [@Xaltwind], [@Rezod92], [@The Irish Tree] (EUL) ~[/center] With everyone in agreement, [u]Eula[/u] accompanied the group towards the diseased camp. They quickly resumed their walk, leaving behind the fallen Varjan patrol who were now missing armor pieces in their outfit. - Passing through a forest, the group soon entered a small village located inside with only three or four houses in sight. "[color=fff79a]Kishi Village. While I'm glad that the invaders haven't found this place yet, the people here really should head somewhere safer.[/color]" The monk remarked. The village was quiet, with not a soul outside at the time being. Perhaps they have indeed evacuated unlike what the monk thought. That is, until... "[color=39b54a]Healer! Healer![/color]" A villager woman came running to the group. "[color=39b54a]Thank goodness, you're here![/color]" "[color=fff79a]Mika? What is it?[/color]" "[color=39b54a]It's my son.[/color]" The woman replied. "[color=39b54a]I think he ate something poisonous.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]Take me to him.[/color]" The monk immediately declared before turning to his taskforce escort. "[color=fff79a]I know we are on an urgent business, but I cannot ignore this. Forgive me.[/color]" The monk bowed before following the woman to her house with the taskforce having no choice but to go with. As they got closer to Mika's house, pained grunts could be heard coming from the abode. Entering, Mika showed the healer and the taskforce her son: An average but cute boy in his teenage years. Although, his pained face while lying on a straw mat clutching his stomach marred what looks he had. "[color=fff79a]What did he eat?[/color]" The monk immediately asked as he began inspecting the boy. "[color=39b54a]Just some mushrooms we picked earlier.[/color]" Mika answered. "[color=39b54a]We have had no food for a day now and we thought they were safe.[/color]" The monk nodded his head. "[color=fff79a]Can you show me where you found the mushrooms?[/color]" Mika responded with an 'Of course' and the monk turned to his escort. "[color=fff79a]I will join Mika to find the mushrooms. You girls stay here and keep an eye on the poor child. Don't worry, we won't be long.[/color]" The monk and the mother then took off, with the latter asking if her son would be alright with the yokai with monk assuring her. - And so, the taskforce was left with the ailing boy. "[color=00a651]Uuughhhh...[/color]" He groaned in his mat. "[color=00a651]How embarrassing... And I was supposed to confess to her tomorrow.[/color]" The boy groaned again, probably both from the pain and the inconvenience. "[color=00a651]We shared our food with her family a few days ago. We... might have overdid it...[/color]" "[color=00a651]Hey, yokai. The healer always said you people were very good at things like love...[/color]" The boy started. "[color=00a651]Do you know how to confess to someone without looking like a loser who got sick?[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Kazenosuke's House[/h3][/center] [center][b]KAZENOSUKE, DANCING BLADE[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (SHI), [@Crowvette], [@Nakushita] ~[/center] [u]Shizuka[/u] aimed to parry the spinning blade but once his sword touched Kazenosuke's, the opposite happened. The azure swordsman, himself, was parried and Kazenosuke spun, slashing [u]Shizuka[/u] in the arm. Swift like the wind, the dancing swordsman managed to add three more slashes at the flinched [u]Shizuka[/u] and drew blood from the taskforce leader. But the dancing swordsman did not need to add the three additional slashes, and Kazenosuke paid for it by noticing too late the incoming [u]Yuki[/u]. The oni managed to hit Kazenosuke's rib with her claws, shredding cloth. Kazenosuke retaliated with a heavy slash that [u]Yuki[/u] could easily dodge, but then followed it up with a strong thrust to the belly with his scabbard, doing little but sending the oni stumbling back next to [u]Shizuka[/u]. Kazenosuke began spinning his blade again, his ultimate shield. An ironic use of his weapon. [hr] [center][h3]Terauchi Temple[/h3][/center] [center]~ [@Hammerman], [@Restalaan] (SKA & GRI), [@AzureKnight] (HIN & ATS), [@The Irish Tree] (LIL), [@Enkryption] ~[/center] The rest of this particular taskforce group arrived shortly after [u]Alice[/u] did, but the Mad Hatter had already gone to rest somewhere in the temple grounds. Other than that, the temple remained the same as ever. "[color=violet]I'm disappointed that the temple was actually the headquarters of yokai sympathizers, but I am also relieved it has become a haven for those escaping from the Varjan invasion.[/color]" Yurine remarked upon arrival at Terauchi Temple. "[color=violet]I think I'll be resting for now. I'll see you all later, yokai.[/color]" "[color=red]Oh, wow. You guys have managed to get Yurine.[/color]" Ayu came to greet the arriving taskforce. "[color=red]Alice arrived not long before you guys but she's resting somewhere around here. Anyway, how did the mission go? Hold on, where's Lord Takeshi? And Lady Kikyo? Didn't she go with you guys?[/color]" [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] *Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale* [center]~~ TAKAMORI TALES ~~[/center] [hider=Teacher And Student] "Lord Takamori said that his traitorous daughter, Setsuna, is training Varjan archers in Ōmiya. I know this frightens him, even if he tries to hide it. If we don't find her and end this, there may be no stopping the archers, and no hope for Ōmiya Springs. We need to see Lord Takamori immediately." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SORAE TALES ~~[/center] *Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale* [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Whispers In The Woods] A villager woman remarked to the taskforce member as the latter passed by. "You better watch out if you're passing Yabo Forest, yokai. It's haunted by angry spirits... Dead samurai, eager to spill blood." "People go into the woods and never come out. Varjan and Shizuyaman alike! The bodies that turn up have all been killed by Shizuyaman blades..." [/hider] [hider=Lost At Sea] A villager woman was sitting beside a bonfire as the taskforce member approached. "There's a man, yokai, swinging his sword... slashing the air on the beaches of Hama island. I'm not sure if he is a survivor of Sanjo Beach, or a mere bandit. But I'm fairly sure he was crying." "Hama island is just off the southern coasts, but you'll definitely need a boat or something to reach it." [/hider] [hider=The Other Side Of Honor] A peasant man eating barbecued meat on a stick was startled when the taskforce member approached. It appeared he has news. "Yokai! You have to tell Lord Takeshi, there is another samurai noble who survived Sanjo Beach. His name is Lord Tonchiki. He's in his abode southeast of here. If you go see him, I'm sure he would join your cause." "Err, maybe not. I guess you'll need Lord Takeshi himself to convince him." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached. "Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by that shrine priestess that started a fight here not too long ago." "They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not trained." [/hider] [center]~~ LEGENDARY TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Heavenly Strike] "Dealing with these students of the Heavenly Strike was more difficult than we thought. They have already thrown back two of the taskforce. However, the yokai fought them separately and at different times, so perhaps a more cooperative approach would be more fruitful." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [/hider]