[i][b]The Dancing Donkey Inn, Anvil[/b][/i] [i]13 Midyear, 7:30, apprx[/i] [i]Meanwhile, outside…[/i] [hr] As the fog moved inward through Anvil, coating the streets and clinging to each darkened corner ominously, a silence fell in the moment - a chill ran through the air, the small crowd outside of the Inn would begin to see a silhouette moving toward them. His footsteps were so light, despite his towering size - both in height and figure. He was imposing and moving faster through the fog to - suddenly his eyes would flash red to Harkon, and he would smile a crooked smile - a set of fangs glinting in the moonlight as his shape came into detail. He would look then too, unafraid, at Granuaille, holding his stare malevolently. The vampire began to lift his hand, slow, methodical, the red in his eyes glowing bright toward Harkon, Granuaille, and Dereno. Before he had a chance to snap a finger, or to turn his wrist, a whistle came from directly above. The sound of a cloak as it soared down and landed gracefully - light as a feather, and yet purposeful between the vampire and the patrons. From a haunched position, another spectral figure rose up, the fog that had settled on her shoulders fell cascaded down - illuminating the slender figure, her hair, bright and silver, pulled taught atop her head, and fell down to the middle of her back like a stripe down her darkened clothes. “Your journey ends,” she spoke - a husky whisper, and as the vampire diverted his attention and rushed at her, a clawed hand began to glow. It was almost gold, and yet, it flickered with bronze and black - distorted, changed. She held it toward the vampire and he stopped in his tracks - diving into it, as if he had been drawn toward her, or that he just hadn’t expected it. It was too fast, and as quickly as he had appeared in the mist, he crumpled back into it with a disturbing gasp. “Retreat to the Inn, or remain and fight,” she said, turning her attention behind her - finally casting a cold gaze at Harkon, Granuaille, and Dereno. Like the creature she had just slain, her face too was pale - and there was also a glimmer of red in her eyes. “There will be more than him. You answered my call, now comes the time to act.” And then it happened. Screaming in the streets below them. They were here.