[center][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.bb08acc2637738a1f67c917c8b354cc8?rik=P2XcVYI3J2gcnw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages5.fanpop.com%2fimage%2fphotos%2f30400000%2fEmma-Gifs-emma-stone-30493342-500-250.gif&ehk=7Z1FMo2ZTXwwac69%2fEKuIspMmpJudKsUC2vw42BXnoI%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img][/center] [indent][sub][COLOR=violet][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Her office, Barlowe Clinic[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=violet][b]Timeframe[/b][/COLOR] [I]Early Morning[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=violet][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=violet][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]N/A[/I][/right][/SUP][/indent] Soon coming upon the small four room clinic, Delaney took a small glance around to make sure nothing out of the ordinary was going to sneak up on her. She took a shaky breath and put her key in the door. [color=violet]"See, Weasley? Just another day at the office. Just another normal day."[/color] Maybe if she spoke it into existence, it would actually be true. She didn't have high hopes. She opened the door and turned on the lights before letting her precious pup off his leash. Delaney allowed the dog to have free roam of the clinic and so far, there had been no complaints from any of her patients. It served double duty, now. He alerted her to anything out of the ordinary and gave her ample time to hide. Clearing her throat, she made her way to her small simple office and turned on the light. She made her way over to her desk and took a seat. Her eyes looked down at her schedule. [color=violet]"Empty again. Shocker."[/color] Of course, nobody in their right mind these days would schedule at the very least a checkup. Although she knew if this went on much longer, there would be a few people she would have to make house calls to. Even with the dangers lurking outside, she wouldn't risk anyone's health if she could help it. Delaney leaned back in her chair and decided to update some patient files. As her fingers clicked away, memories started to flash in her mind of an event a couple weeks prior. Her fingers paused on the keyboard as her teeth sucked in her lower lip. A small blush worked its way up her neck and to her cheeks. The corners of her mouth pulled up into a cheesy grin. "Aarf!" She jumped at the noise and the expression on her face quickly vanished. Clearing her throat, she looked down at the dog and let out a shaky breath. Weasley was sitting beside her, wagging his tail. She could have sworn he had a grin on his face. Delaney eyed him. [color=violet]"Well. That was rude."[/color] He answered with another happy bark. Shaking her head, she looked back at her computer. Her eyes caught sight of the patient file on her screen. It was the same person that was intruding her daydreams. Delaney groaned and sat back in her chair. [color=violet]"So much for a doctor-patient relationship."[/color] She then noticed the date of the last visit. Her brows furrowed with worry. Delaney would definitely have to pay this patient a home visit if they didn't visit her soon.