[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230401/66b2fadc3af629eea81ffe81c2820002.png[/img][/center] Hemlock hadn't really meant to stare, but his gaze seemed to catch the attention of the black dragon. He could now see that her scales actually leaned towards the blue side of black once she got closer. Neat. The only black he ever saw on dragons was the occasional Hivewings he saw flitting about the jungle. He was used to green which there was very little of here aside from his own tribe. If he could even consider them that. [b]"Faring as well as we can be,"[/b] Juniper smiled thinly at the larger dragon. [b]"Oh, that would be wonderful, thank you,"[/b] she reached out to take the offered water, passing it to Hemlock first before taking some for herself. [b]"I'm Juniper by the way, this is Hemlock."[/b] Her leaflike tail flicked out to lightly gesture backwards. He was more focused on the water then what Juniper was saying to the large dragon, who he only just caught was named Bluemoon. Odd name. It was cool and crisp and ran the grains of sand out of his mouth which was more of a relief than he'd expected. How did these dragons stand it? He would go crazy always being in the sun, walking on hot sand, and feeling the grittiness between his teeth. It was miserable honestly. He hoped that these escorts they had picked somewhere less bright for them to go next. He also found their solid eyes unnerving, but he felt the need to keep that thought mostly to himself. Maybe if he associated them with beetles they wouldn't be so strange? His attention was pulled back when he heard his name being said and the tail entered his line of sight. [color=00a99d][b]"Hello,"[/b][/color] he greeted Bluemoon, scanning her build and colors before comparing it to that of the Sandwings. Definitely didn't match. He cocked his head to the side, [color=00a99d][b]"What are you?"[/b][/color] [b]"Hemlock!"[/b] Juniper's indignant tone chided him, [b]"You can't just ask questions like that."[/b] She turned to look back at Bluemoon, an apologetic smile on her lips, [b]"I'm sorry about him. He didn't grow up with a lot of other dragons."[/b] Oh, so that wasn't something that he should just ask. How else was he supposed to learn then? [color=00a99d][b]"Sorry."[/b][/color] His tone didn't sound particularly apologetic, but that's what he'd been told he should say. He still continued to look at Bluemoon curiously, but he didn't want Juniper to get upset again.