[@blesses blight] Corbin cocked an eyebrow as he watched her get back to her feet. "I haven't seen another..." He paused for a moment. "...like us in over a century so I know how you feel." He smiled. The smile wasn't entirely genuine though. He enjoyed her flat out denial of having felt afraid of him, and he was glad for it. Yet, there was something that had spooked her, or induced an old trauma that went beyond simple surprise at seeing another vampyre. Who was this woman? Where did she come from? What was she doing in such a place as this? What had caused her hand to tremble? She was a mystery and arguably the most interesting thing to disrupt his life in decades. "When I felt your presence..." Corbin rolled his eyes at how quickly he was beginning to feel comfort. For all he knew she was from a rival clan or was behind the orders that had sent an army to his doorstep. Caution was the wise move here. The strange woman on the other side of the bar interrupted. She clearly had no idea how to communicate with other intelligent species. He chose to ignore her this time, but in an attempt to appeal to the woman of interest, he grabbed a new glass and filled it with...something from one of the bottles atop a shelf. He slid it across the wooden bar to the odd creature before returning the mystery bottle to its rightful place. Corbin then grabbed a couple wine glasses, spinning them between his long fingers (in retrospect perhaps that was a little much) and placed them on the counter beneath the shelves holding the liquor. Tracing a finger tip along the pommel of his blade at his hip, a couple quick motions and Greyscale released a vial that had sat snugly within the hilt. Corbin dumped its contents into the wine glasses and offered one to the vampyress. "Still warm." There was no need to provide context to the woman. She would know exactly what he was offering and hoped she would appreciate the gesture. Corbin lifted his glass to his nose and swirled the glass as he'd seen others do and basked in the delicious scent. "The name's Corbin." He said to her as he raised his glass in toast. "To our unexpected meeting." He watched and waited to see how she would proceed before bringing the glass to his lips.