[@Wayward] Hi hullo! 😄 I noticed Toni - she seems so overwhelmed! Thanks for the worldbuilding: the world now has a child custody system and a university, if only outside of Oaken! I do like that she can see Rue as hazy shapes, and the sudden illumination propelling them back is really interesting. Since she can't seem to control it, I think it'd be interesting to trigger unexpectedly - I look forward to seeing how she develops! Just one thing, this RP is not taking place in the real world - sorry I know the world description isn't really clear about the time period. I'm thinking more of a pseudo-steampunk-scifi sorta vibe, a totally different world of gears and clocks and magic, maybe some computery stuff. The parents could've still died in a car accident, but it'd probably be more like... mechanical buggies or weird hovering things. 😄 Maybe instead of DCF it's simply 'child services' or something vague. Just little adjustments to accommodate wherever this worldbuild goes as we go! When in doubt, as long as it's not reality it's probably fine, haha. She's good to go!