[center][H2]Back in the Sandbox, Things are Speeding Up![/H2][/center] [color=ec008c]Samantha [/color]had pealed out in a peal of dust and desert gravel. She listened to the two men as she concentrated on her HUD. She had her onboard AI tagging enemy placements that she had tagged earlier based on their communications. She was happy to use the enemy’s technology against them as she piggy backed off their feed that streamed their locations back to their headquarters via wireless GPS. She watched for incoming trouble as she decided who to drop off first. It made sense to cover Glitch since the mech was on the side of the ship that Ogre needed to get inside. Samantha kept close to Queen’s DPV until they were closer to the ship. She began running evasive maneuvers as she wove her way closer to the mech. She tried to keep the ride as steady as possible so that her partners could pick off some of those troopers around the mech and entrance to the ship. Sam drove the DPV inside a lower depression in the desert floor. It was probably a dry riverbed or flash flood basin. She used what little cover she could find as they made their way steadily towards the enemy. The depression they were in angled away from the ship as Sam turned the DPV towards the ship. The DPV roared out of the shallow ditch catching some air. [color=ec008c]“Chaos almost in position. About to drop my first dance partner.” [/color] Sam kept her eyes on what she was doing. The automatic guns on the side of the ship began to fire at them. Chaos made the DPV dance erratically as she attempted to evade the computer targeting system. She grinned as the guns all at once jerked in the opposite direction from them and began to rake along the edge of the enemy troops. Sam grinned and whooped. [color=ec008c]“I love it when my evil plans work!”[/color] She heard the small explosion that took out the communications array as the DPV arrived within a few hundred yards of the mech and troops.