[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UkEbgIb.png[/img][h2][color=99A7D8]Lucian[/color][/h2][h3][hr]~1444 | PARIS | FASHION SHOW VENUE[hr][/h3][/center] Slipping on his own balls was mildly embarrassing. Well, it would have been if Lucian had been aware of what happened. From his point of view, his face was suddenly touching the floor. He wasn't the type to stare at his own feet, so how could he tell that he owned himself like that? [color=99A7D8]"C-curse you!"[/color] He yelled out as though the skeletal dragon had attacked him. He rose from his position, ready for his next move. After all that, it was apparent that object permanence wasn't exactly one of Lucian's fortes. Apparently, neither was attacking the enemy. Lucian did what Lucian did best: stand there and look pretty. Moral support was his big idea for helping in the fight. He cheered and clapped on as his teammates fought the beast. He probably should have attacked or tracked down the monkeys. He did neither, of course.