[color=gray][INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=#455676][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5407930][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1047910123206627378/1080163847022841937/image.png[/img][/url][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=#798bab][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Southern Plateau[/I] - [I]Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=#798bab][b]The Homecoming Trials #1.042:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Somebody Save Me[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=#455676][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=#798bab][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I][@Zoldyck] - Katja Kruger, [@Hillan] - Axel Bordeaux[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=#798bab][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Tightly Wound Fuse[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=#FF7514]”Heya broer!”[/color] Cassander was quickly stopped in his tracks. [color=#FF7514]“If we’re going to be a solid team we should first get to properly introduce ourselves, right? I’m Katja, Katja Kruger.”[/color] He had been sure that no one was paying any attention to him and yet here, in front of him now, was the team's Amazonian knockout. There was no way this was actually happening. Cassander quickly looked around the barely contained chaos that was their campsite, sure that one of his teammates must have had the power of illusion and was currently screwing with his perception of reality. Alas, there didn't appear to be a second Katja and thus the blonde bombshell currently towering a head and a half over Cassander must have in fact been the genuine article. [color=#FF7514]“You euhm, got a tentmate yet?”[/color] Cass was certain his knees were about to go out from under him at any second. He hadn't expected anyone to ask him to be their tentmate. He had a solid plan, he'd sneak away, spare himself the awkwardness of being picked last and reluctantly retire for the night with whichever sucker was forced to share a tent with the human time bomb. But this was not his plan, he had not expected to be asked to bunk with an attractive girl. He had to somehow muster the courage to turn her down. [color=#8AACEB]"Actually I do,"[/color] Cassander lied, his eyes rapidly darting around the campsite. [color=#8AACEB]"Uh, Axel and I had actually planned to bunk together since we're already used to each other."[/color] [COLOR=#798bab][i]What is wrong with you?[/i][/color] [color=#8AACEB]"I was just scouting out a good spot before grabbing a tent, y'know close enough to fire to stay warm, but not in the path of the smoke. But also far enough away from the other tents that we can't hear each other snoring at night. Standard stuff."[/color] [COLOR=#798bab][i]Put the shovel down, Charon.[/i][/color] [color=#8AACEB]"Maybe uh, Trace, needs a partner?"[/color] Cass suggested as he stepped around Katja and headed back toward the pair of trucks. There was no sneaking away at the moment, he definitely needed to grab one of the last tents before Axel either picked himself a partner or worse, Katja's feelings got hurt because of his lie. She certainly seemed like a nice enough girl, Cassander wouldn't have minded talking to her more but he was definitely not open to sharing a tent with her. He didn't know her well enough for that, and there was nothing quite like involuntary bodily functions to accelerate one's intimate knowledge of a person. At least sharing a tent with Axel or one of the others from the male dormitory, those things were expected. Picking up a tent, Cass hauled the bag upwards with minimal effort, though noting that despite its seeming lightweight construction, it wasn't without heft. Walking over to Axel, Cass lifted the tent in a salutation before forcing a smile. [color=#8AACEB]"I got us a tent! Want to help me set it up?"[/color] His eyes darted back towards Katja, before looking towards the older male in a manner that practically screamed 'save me'. With any luck, Axel would take pity and save Cass from the hole he dug. 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