[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] "Shouldn't be too hard, they ought to stick out..." Tyaethe said, thinking about it. Well, stick out if you could see them, she'd need to go find glasses for that. Or just listen for the extremely out of place accent, that might do it. "It's not [i]too[/i] much of a concern if Merilia's doing something, she's [i]literally[/i] unable to do anything of harm to the knights, at worst it's annoying pranks or unexplained attempts at helping, but..." 'Harmless' could still be extremely annoying, when you were a mage with all the time in the world and far too many tricks to fall back on. Rearranging all the doors in Candaeln to open to some other room than the one they were supposed to for an afternoon, for instance, hadn't actually [i]hurt[/i] anyone, but it had been maddening. And, of course, Elionne hadn't been able to find the source and demand that she undo it, because [i]none[/i] of the doors (or windows, for that matter) had opened onto Merilia's own quarters at that point. The vampire continued to look at the brightly-coloured blurs in front. Hm, had whatever she was doing not affected Steffen? It didn't [i]seem[/i] right; the painting obviously made people talk about the artist far more, but surely there was no way that could drive so much discussion a year later? [@Conscripts]