[H2][CENTRE][color=fff200][b]KUROZUMI HAKU[/b][/color][/CENTRE][/H2] [color=fff200]“So here’s the 77th marine base?”[/color] Haku looked at the base, noting immediately the pristine condition of the area. The bay itself was being occupied but it was not at full capacity, aside from one fully functional warship, the rest was empty. If anything, their presence was the only reason why the bay looked busy. As the supplies ship made their landing and unloading to the harbor. One he observed carefully as he moved multiple crates stacked on top one another easily while the ones unloaded by the normal workers carried one in pairs. Still, as he made his way past the bay and gates. The guards didn’t paid attention to them, which honestly disturbs Haku with how lax they are. Was the East Blue so peaceful that they didn't need to worry about potential sabotage? Well, no need to point that out for now as he quietly looked around to see some suspicious signs as he placed the crates in front of their quartermaster. “Ah, yer a strong one aren’t ya?” [color=fff200]“Yes sir.”[/color] He then tilted his head to the sides and gestured with a nod toward the warehouse. [color=fff200]“Want me to help put them inside, makes it faster.”[/color] “Sure, hey, you! Show the lad where we keep our usual!” Voice raised loud enough to one of the passing marines had them quickly shuffled Haku inside as they guided him. Cold, pristine, and only one exit. Haku mentally noted as he scanned his eyes around, the chill in the air increased as he entered the warehouse. Purposefully, he dragged his feet and slowed himself in an effort to get more information. The floors smooth but wasn’t dull, so if things were being smuggled out, it wasn’t from the front. So the operation was done from another route, or only a few people were involved. Which points to the top rank officers in this base. Though Haku had to snap out of it as the marine hollered at him to stop. “Right! Just place them here, old ones at the front, new ones at the far back.” [color=fff200]“Understood.”[/color] He nodded and followed the instructions, once done, he gestured his head to the sparse warehouse. [color=fff200]“You seen a lot of action? That’s a lot of supplies gone.”[/color] “Nah, just minor ones. We just restock late most of the time.” [color=fff200]“Won’t you guys go hungry?”[/color] “Well, there’s the village island just a few hours from here and we get paid well enough that we can afford buying extras if needed.” [color=fff200][i] A village close by? [/i][/color] That bears investigation then, after all, where there are people. There are always traces of crime. It’s merely a matter of finding it out, not to mention accomplices could also be there. This was truly getting complex, he had sneaked and stolen precious things before but an investigation like this was a new experience for him. Perhaps he was overthinking it too. [color=fff200]“I see, “ [/color]He ended with a gentle smile before saluting. [color=fff200]“If you don’t mind, can you tell me the village name? I might go there to have a look during my break before we sail off.”[/color] “Sure no problem.” — Returning from the transport, Haku sighted Cadog speaking with the captain of the 77th base. The former looked like he was browbeating the latter as Cadog was grumbling a storm as the two toured the area. “-you water loafer, look at the place. Barely kept well, you have too many unused ports as well.” “Yes, sir. We’ll make sure to keep things at peak condition.” It was a weird sight to see two similarly ranked men but Cadog had seniority not just in age, and experience but also in his service record. In comparison, the 77th Marine captain was almost a greenhorn. Though Haku kept that last comment to himself, regardless, both men are far more experienced than him in being part of the Marines. Cadog noticed the latter even as he quietly follow the two behind and decided to let it go for now. “Aight then, you lot however keep a good job in patrolling the waters. So we’ll help patrol the area for three days, you and your boys get some rest in the meantime.” ”Thank you, sir! My men certainly will like it!” And with that, the man left a much happier mood as Cadog continued walking down the pier and lit up his smoke pipe. “Report.” [color=fff200]“No visible signs of trap doors or hidden entrances. Floors are clean and not replaced, plaster was also not made old intentionally.”[/color] “So the amount stolen or smuggled out is a small amount, or they have some other way of bringing it out without being detected.” Cadog surmised but that didn’t mean anything, they needed much more solid proof. Quickly boarding back to the ship, the first mate and quartermaster were already assembled with a map in hand. “Here’s what we can gather, there are many islands in between but not many of them are populated.” The First mate reported, marking a few of the sea routes used. “Hmph, plenty of hiding spots.” Haku agreed with the Quartermaster assessment, they’ll have to comb for weeks if that’s the case. “Forget about the routes, focus on the endpoints.” Cadog waved it away and looked at the settlements instead. “There’s always a buyer at the end.” [color=fff200]“There’s a village here, I shall take a look at it,”[/color] Haku suggested, one that met no objections. “I can think of a few other locations for a hidden cove or base.” The Firstmate quickly followed up as he scouted the areas that could host people comfortably, or long enough for a transfer. The Quartermaster deliberated as he looked to the skies. “Dividing our men, we can cover those areas far quicker but that’s assuming the weather does not have a tantrum.” “This is East Blue, not the Devil Seas. Our Navigator will spot a rain or thunderstorm miles before it happens.” Cadog huffed as he crossed his arms. “We’ll finish this in a day.” “Very well, I’ll plan our course then.” “Good, once the crew has their break and meal, we’ll cast off immediately.” Cadog then looked at Haku. “You too, get enough food to fill your belly for a day. You’re going in deep.” [color=fff200]“Yes, sir!”[/color] He saluted stiffly at that before being dismissed by Cadog, the latter already uncorking a liquor bottle before drinking it in big gulps much to the consternation of the First mate. The moment Haku left, the Firstmate turned to Cadog. “You sure he can handle it?” “Of course, and the seagull got to leave the nest.” Cadog watched Haku shrinking back and took another swig. Letting the rum settle in his mouth first before enjoying the aftertaste. — Later come the evening, sun was already slowly setting as most fisherman stayed for one last haul before heading back to Gosa Village. Seas and wave gentle before a larger wave rock the surface, making way for a larger ship as it cut through the sea and horizon. The proud white flag that flew the Marine banner made the inhabitants at ease, though some noted that it was a much larger ship, as they waved at it. Sailors waved backwards as they sail onward without stopping before long leaving the area. So fixated, that not many noticed that there was a blurring dot making its way rapidly toward the village harbor. In the evening light, a silent figure crept into the village easily as a quick change of clothes had them blended into the village. [color=fff200]“Beautiful night.”[/color] Haku looked at the skies, it was a new moon and clouds was gathering. as he adjusted his clothes. [h3][center][b][GOSA VILLAGE][/b][/center][/h3]