[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230416/87b690b5cc9391b8d187fa1be0460ea5.png[/img] [sup][sup][h3][COLOR=BLACK][b] A S C I - F I C O L O N Y S I M[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][b]A S C I - F I C O L O N Y S I M[/b][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/ELsN-su1_t0[/youtube][/center] [sub][color=white][color=black][b]Players:[/b][/color] TBD[/color] [color=white][color=black][b]Pace:[/b][/color] TBD[/color] [color=white][color=black][b]Writing Level:[/b][/color] Casual+[/color] [color=white][color=black][b]Sheet Deadline:[/b][/color] TBD[/color] [color=white][color=black][b]Application Style:[/b][/color] TBD[/color][/sub][/center] [indent][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/528055544267931661/1107581080447488031/sampa-ldr.png[/img][/indent] [color=white][indent][indent][indent]“Pod 12. Prepare for unsecure landing.” On an alien planet in a near-but-distant future, humanity begins anew. It’s funny how the tides change due to one simple miscalculation. Several months ago you finally got accepted to be lifted up to Project Eden–a planetary exploration and resettlement initiative established by the governments of the Planet Earth. To finally reach out into the cosmos and try to temper the dangers of the greater galaxy while Earth comes closer-and-closer to its final days. You don’t know it yet, but you joining this initiative? It will be the best thing you’ve ever done. The trials, anxieties, and politics that come with starting a new colony will be tough, but with a ‘golden world’ so close to your fingertips, why would you pass up on the opportunity? [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color] [indent][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/528055544267931661/1107581105672044597/sampa-ldr.png[/img][/indent] [color=white][indent][indent][indent]Earth Date 04-03-2857. That’s what the console of the Earth Federation Star Vessel Olendda reads as clear as day. The date that the crew members and its clientele were supposed to arrive to a new destination, a “golden world”, a planet denoted to be the perfect place for a new contingent of humanity to settle. A Terra Nova. [center][img]https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--67n-S7FU--/t_xlarge_l/cs_srgb,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1553798166/the-gang-on-a-new-planet-the-100.gif[/img][/center] But this is no Terra Nova. Planet B3-71002, codenamed “Ekkonaor”, is an Earth-like Terrestrial Planetoid on the edge of the galaxy. And that’s it–that’s all that’s recorded about it. A name, planet type, and a bunch of numbers. The colonists and star vessel staff know one thing, though: they are going to learn a lot more about it very soon. With the crew of the Olendda awoken to the ship caught in the middle of an uncharted asteroid storm, they are forced to accept the situation and rotate to the escape pods of the vessel before the empty void of space swallows them whole.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]