Thank you all for the warm welcome! You are very kind. As for the question.. [quote=@Gareth] Hey Ravi wondering if you can help me, where do you get your inspiration for writing? How do you brainstorm for content in your writing? I’m Gareth by the way and I’m more than happy to welcome you to/back to the Guild. [/quote] When I stumble I tend to brainstorm with my partners, and if I’m writing alone I have a few strategies I use. 1. I try to put myself in the story and imagine I’m the character. How do they feel, what drives them, what is the tone of their moood and overall personality? 2. If this is a story I’m reading what would be interesting? What is my ideal outcome for this character, and what can I do to make this situation one that I myself would read if written by others. 3. Write what you enjoy. If you force ideas you aren’t into the story things get hard to write rather quickly. Most of the time enjoyment begets good writing. If you struggle for content within a post, always remember action is not the only thing that goes into the post itself. Bits of relevant world building or information relevant to the story is also needed and often interesting information. Thoughts and feelings can also give a look into your characters and promote both character understanding and growth. Details and actions are wonderful but it’s pieces of the overall picture. To make art you need a little of all the necessary elements. I hope this gives you some help, and if at any time any of you wish to role play with me feel free to message me. I promise I am as friendly as they come.