[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/951907880779538452/1045156902889341028/Lady_Ariella_Edwards_1.png?width=519&height=551[/img][/center] [color=slateblue]Time:[/color] 3pm [color=F0E399]Location:[/color] Lovers lake - Prince Callum Tavern [color=slateblue]Mention:[/color] [color=F0E399]Appearance[/color]:[url=https://846c9959e9b6355d2066-b3c41bc37d01be348e5aa44f2ed6d3f4.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/product-original-1215011-357364-1505557696-b2c9d11d13773ad36311aa2d5c91098f.jpg]Dress[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ca/ab/d2/caabd28d4bd6e8e500e454ac74af8474.jpg] Hair style but red [/url],[url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e4/53/ff/e453ff7047d1b03d07aab6293c1ebb4e.jpg] shoes [/url] The sun continued to beat down on Ari as she lay basking in the sun. Her book had somehow found its way over her face as she hid her eyes from the blinding light just soaking in the rays. She wasn't sure if she had dipped into a light nap, but the slight drool on the side of her mouth said a lot. Pulling the book from her face as the pages slightly stuck to her lip, she brushed the pages off with her fingertips before sitting up. Her eyes fluttered as they adjusted to the bright sun. She figured she had gotten enough sun for the day, her mother would be all over her if she returned home with a sunburn on her porcelain skin. Gathering her stuff, Ariella set back to her carriage. Along the way she dusted herself off making her outfit more presentable than it was at the lake. Sadly that included putting back on her shoes. Getting into her carriage she instructed the driver to bring her to a local Tavern, she was feeling quite hungry after the events this morning and all the sun. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Prince Callum Tavern. As the carriage came to a stop she peeked out the window to see the sign wondering if this was some kind of strange joke. She couldn't help but think about Callum however. She wondered how he felt about a Tavern named after him. Seemed a bit of an ego stroke, but she got the impression he had no say in the matter. Paying no mind to it any longer, Ariella got out of the carriage and headed inside the beautiful Tavern. It was loud and busy full of people enjoying their late lunches or early suppers. The smell of ale and meat pie filled the room as she clearly was overdressed for the place, however, she normally overdressed if her mother had any say. Finding a nice place in the back Ariella hid away from the normal patrons and snuggled into a booth. She kept her book handy but enjoyed the large pitcher of water that the barkeep brought to her table.