[h2]Lilia, Outside Candaeln[/h2] The direct address seemed to spook the elf, hand leaping instantly to her sword and angling to face Fionn before the actual [i]words[/i] caught up and she relaxed, still seeming rather nervous. "Ah, yes, I was at the ball..." There was some nervous shuffling, the girl looking back over her shoulder at the busier adjoining road that lead away from Candaeln, briefly grimacing and then turning back towards Fionn, once again only nervous rather than prepared for a fight. "Um, I was with my mum, see, and she said she'd speak to the Iron Roses, said they wanted good people all the time, and if I was really that sure it would be a good idea, she'd be safe and look after auntie for a decade or two, and then I could introduce myself and, uh... well, I don't know if she did that, I was busy helping out some farmers, and I [i]think[/i] she might've but maybe she just said she was still going to do it, and I don't know who I'd want to talk to anyway, you can't just go up to the captain, and it's rude to just walk in without an invitation, so I've been waiting out here just in case, but I don't know if I should knock or... um... sorry?"