[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] Just because [i]she[/i] had woken up in a better mood - more emotionally resilient after her talks with Fenna and Adam - it did not mean that everyone else had. It took her a few minutes to realise this fact as she watched James give vacant replies to her, his demeanour distant. She'd took it for dismissiveness at first, wondering why the sudden change in his disposition towards her, seeing as they'd gotten along quite well during yesterday's travelling. Honestly, she was a little miffed at first, but shortly after she realised that she was being incredibley self-centered and spoiled to expect [i]anything[/i] from the Cleric. [color=Pink][i]MacKensie Rosetta Trydant, you must be better than this,[/i][/color] the scolding voice in her head was her mothers. Who knew what was going through James' head. Who knew what he might have dreamt last night. It would take more than twenty-fours to adjust to this new life - this abduction - and perhaps some of the group would never get over it. And here MacKensie was, pestering him with questions, tugging his robe to point at some stupid deer, like a child. A few minutes to realise herself... a few minutes too long. [color=Pink][i]Be better.[/i][/color] She fell into silence as they walked, after that, feeling bad about her behaviour and feeling bad for her friend. Some time later, Fenna enlightened the party about potential problems ahead. Then Lillianna came forward to drop a bomb of her own. So much all at once. MacKensie's eyes widened as she gauged the reaction of everyone, unsure herself how to approach the situation. Lillianna was frighteningly pale, her forehead looking clammy with sweat. MacKensie stepped next to her, touching her elbow. [color=Pink]"It's okay,"[/color] she said softly to the wizard. [color=Pink]"We will figure this out."[/color] When Adam spoke, eventually putting the question to James, MacKensie hoped that the man would be okay enough to put his tactical mind to good use. The ranger was hopeful as Adam's question looked like it had flicked a switch inside James. He was back. And he made up his mind - they were to forge straight ahead. [color=Pink][i]Qui n'avance pas recule,[/i][/color] her father's voice this time - his favourite proverb. MacKensie nodded, happy with the decision. It was time for [i]her[/i] to do something too, Fenna inspiring her with the tree climbing. [color=Pink]"I can be a look out,"[/color] the Frenchwoman offered sharply, glancing over a few faces with a fire in her eyes. Perhaps she didn't know anything about scouting. It was time for some 'on the job' learning. [color=Pink]"Our heading is that way?"[/color] she asked Adam, double-checking with him and his compass. [color=Pink]"Okay, I will come back immediately if I see anything."[/color] And with that, she went ahead in something of a jog, but keeping low and on alert. She'd only gone a hundred yards before she fired her gauntlet up at an extremely tall tree, then flew up to it, squatting on a sturdy branch as she kept a look-out. Her adrenaline was already starting to flow - a good job really, because it protected her from worrying about the dizzying, deathly height she'd ascended too. Still, [i]she[/i] would see danger before danger caught sight of [i]them[/i]. If the party safely caught up to her, then she'd leap from the branch in a T-pose, instinctively faithful in her newfound ability. Then with a thrust of her left hand, the magical wire of blue light fired from her gauntlet, northbound to the next tree. It latched on and she quickly closed in on her target position - swinging low into an arc as she did, Indiana Jones-style, before zipping up to the next branch and flipping acrobatically onto it. If she could see herself, she'd marvel, but she was too busy looking for danger.