[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/gAAVJpp.png[/img] [color=#4B8022] [h1] Edward Bennigan [/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [h3] [center] ~1442 | PARIS | FASHION SHOW VENUE [/center] [hr] [/h3] Edward Watched as the dragon’s maw was forced away from its target. Then saw as Vera struck true with a finishing slash. The necromancer cackled with a casual stride towards its crumbling remains. Its destruction affirmed to Edward that it must have been a spell, it had no residue of soul-stuff that a wisp or spirit would have left behind. So, if it was a spell, who was its caster? The girl perhaps? Wait, where is she? Edward hadn’t paid enough attention to their side of the fight until now. Lucian seemed unconcerned despite apparently being acquainted with her. So, maybe she was alright? No it’s not wise to trust that Lucian himself is aware of what’s going on. [color=#4B8022] “No need to thank me, dragon-slayer.” [/color]Edward stated with a hint of a smug tone as he walked by Vera, performing a brief dramatic spin of his staff with one hand. Both of his skeletons ended their March a bit past Lucian, awaiting further orders. (Though they continued an idle rhythm.) [color=#4B8022] “While I humbly accept any well-deserved praise sent my way…I think we’re missing a particularly important pink-haired mortal. Did she escape safely while I was occupied?” [/color] He directed the question to both of his co-workers.