[h1][center]Shield Town, Black Iron Workshop[/center][/h1] [hr] “[b]Yeah, why d’you have wings, Jemma?[/b]” Oh. Hwoof. The words were like sledgehammers against rotted foundations. The question was a .45 to the back of the skull. It was all so very… Not… Good. Why did she have wings? Well it was simple! She was abducted out of The Graves by a woman who turned literal concrete to ash and slag! And then she was kept in a dark room, locked inside a stone coffin with these weird symbols and shit scribbled all over it, glowing in the dark. [s]Her name, her entire life story, pulled from her lips with hooks and barbs… Stuff she didn’t even know she remembered. Rendered against stone, alongside another’s. Forced into-[/s] Anyways! That wasn’t important. They wouldn’t [i]get it[/i], not really. Nothing wrong with that either! How would you even explain that you were probably permanently fused with a literal alien intelligence that processed emotions by eating them? And the people feeling the emotions? Oh and also there’s a whole secret portion to the world that would literally blow their minds if they weren’t ready? Oh and also, [i]also[/i], also, she was fueled by the consumption of things made out of meat and got more from things that had higher levels of ‘intelligence’, and could change her shape at will! And her memory was fading and restructuring all the time! And— Focus! Whoo! Okay. “[color=DarkMagenta]Haha wow that is… WAY more complicated of a question to answer than I wanna admit! Uhhhh…[/color]” Jemma trailed off, face scrunching up as she struggled to think of how best to explain. “[color=DarkMagenta]Uhhh, okay so, maybe, I can explain that when I’m not, y’know, in this thoroughfare naked as the day I was a baby born? That sound alright, y’all?[/color]” She questioned, moving as she spoke. Her eyes were downcast, focused on the uniform (familiarity!!!) in her hands. So she was fully unprepared for meeting [color=Skyblue][b]Alex’s[/b][/color] eyes. Oh shit. Fuck. Uh-oh. Dammit! No! Why?! Panic pulsed in her veins, and she stumbled for a half step. Her [ASTRAL EYES] could [i]see[/i] him. Burning like a bonfire in the middle of the arctic. Like a cerulean star in the dead of night. He looked [i]clean[/i], and the fact that he was glowing certainly added to the abrupt [KNOWING] that he was running better than before. He was… Bright! Shining with emotion! And [i]so very like the beacon of silver and crimson from before. Tantalizing.[/i] No [HAZE] clogging his veins. No [HAZE] blocking out the fact that he would [s]fuel her for forever. A perfect nuclear engine. Just consume it. It would be fine. It’ll be fine.[/s] Nope! Nope nope nope. Time to go! Inside? Wait, was he running at her? Oh god he was moving. Why did she make eye contact? Get back! Ink roiled in her chest, hidden by her wings, and for a moment she was terrified of herself. Apathy and indifference exploded through her mind for a moment, as a pathway was drawn through her thoughts. [i][color=Crimson]Cleave the two standing before the flesh-body. Cause panic, raise emotions. Betrayal was a good enough quick burn fuel. Venom to the eyes, mouths, and noses of those closer, spines coated in it, launched from the spinal cord and shoulders. Drop twenty in less than an hour. The [BEACON] could be suffocated, it already knew the [BEACON]’s skin couldn’t be—[/color][/i] No. No. Focus. Apathy rushed away, the path dashed as Jemma yelped aloud. Her eyes flicked from face to face to face as she desperately tried to plot an escape route. Her face kept its smile though, betraying none of her panic. “[color=DarkMagenta]Yeah! Good cool ‘kay, jus’ gonna go inside and get changed, yeah? Okay! Coolbye![/color]” she chirped, trying desperately to subtly get others to [i]move out of her way please![/i]