[color=silver][center][h2][color=#595555]πΉπ‘’π“π“π“Œπ’Ύπ“ƒπ‘”[/color][/h2] __________________________________________________[/center] Occupied once more with her memories, Fellwing was unaware of the internal turmoil of her friend - until the white drake spoke up, a sudden confidence in her voice. The Seer glanced back at her, surprised. [color=#595555]"Star...?"[/color] she quieted and listened, and though she didn't notice it herself, also stopped dead in her tracks. Did Stargaze feel like she was slowing her down? That wasn't... Fellwing hadn't meant to hurt her with such an implication; it was for Stargaze's sake - for the sake of all her friends - that she wanted to do her best in the first place, even if it meant doing it alone. [i]Accepted her when no one else would;[/i] now wasn't that a familiar tale? Fellwing could remember what it had felt like, not being allowed to help; the glares thrown her way, when others learnt that the source of her visions was the Darkness they tried to fight. The feeling of powerlessness in the face of a friend's strife was, perhaps, one of the worst things she'd ever felt. But [i]had [/i]the Darkness gotten to her? That she wasn't so sure of. How would Skobeloff have known that? It had gotten to Garrock, and Skobeloff didn't know that. No one did but her, and there was nothing she could do about it now. She would when she next saw him, though; she swore. [color=#595555]"I... yes, I'm sorry, Stargaze. You did grow up here, and I think-- I think I'm lost."[/color] Admitting it hurt. But seeing Stargaze in pain hurt more. [color=#595555]"Let's find our way. Together. I will tell you what I remember of the way, and I will trust in your guidance to take us there."[/color] [hider=ooc] Fellwing clears a shadow, then Helps Stargaze with an [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/25120]11[/url]. Also, Stargaze gets a Friendship Gem for her [color=#595555]creativity! [/color][/hider] [/color]