It wasn't that she was scared of riding horses. She wasn't! Anyone making that accusation was clearly wrong and trying to make her look bad. It was just that she didn't like it. She wasn't scared. She wasn't scared of falling off. She wasn't scared of getting bitten. She definitely wasn't scared of getting kicked. It was clearly, obviously just dislike. She certainly wasn't feeling anxious the entire ride. Saying as much was obviously slander. Fio most certainly wasn't trembling slightly as she was taken down from horseback. And she definitely didn't briefly acknowledge with deep relief that she was now no longer forced to sit astride a beast that could accidentally harm her in any number of ways. In theory, if she [i]was[/i] scared of horseback riding, though, it wouldn't be as if she was scared of horses in isolation. Rather, it would be the idea of falling off and somehow agitating the horse that frightened her. If it frightened her. Which it definitely didn't. As Fio set about unpacking her supplies, she paused for a moment. The maid was staring at her. In spite of her(clearly nonexistent) fear of riding on horseback, Fio hadn't failed to notice Sucaria's gaze prior to their stop. "... If you're annoyed at me for some reason, maid, isn't it best for you to just say it? Hmph." The small witch let out a huff, folding her arms as she turned to face her, a frown on her face. "It's not as if I can so much as apologize if I don't have any idea what I've apparently done wrong." Not that she had any intention of apologizing. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]