[quote=@Dragonfly 9] [i]*kicks the door down*[/i] Count me in, Chief!! Also, question: Can I be a reformed/struggling-to-redeem-himself former Storm Trooper? [/quote] So a force-sensitive former stormtrooper? I have to say no to this since he was a stormtrooper. He would have probably would been discovered to be force sensitive and taken away for another use to the empire. [quote=@Blizz] Hey Theyra remember me First idea in mind: A former sith apprentice who never completed her training. She was taught by a borderline sadistic sith master, eventually got the better of him and killed his ass, ran away, and somehow got a cool robot arm somewhere in the process. By this time, the lessons had sunk in but only partially, so there is potential in her to be "redeemed" by the Jedi, but the path is gonna be rocky for her. She won't tell anyone she's an ex-sith at first but eventually it'll come up and be a reveal. Someone else around her might even pick up on the dark anger/general sith energy she has buried deep down. She's essentially unlearning all the cruel shit done to her by the dark side. [/quote] Yeah, I remember you and while I am not against the idea, it looks like you have the same idea as another interested player. So I have to ask do you have a second idea for a char or how attached are you to this current one? [quote=@Birdboy] I am so down for this, and I can have a double-bladed lightsaber? hell yes! [/quote] Yes you can [quote=@Hyyde322] Not a huge fan of the sequels, but I might be interested in this [/quote] We are primarily using legends content with some of the new canon in the rp. So do not worry about the sequels since they do not have an effect on the rp for the most part.