[center][h2]Dr. Kanatariio[/h2][/center] [center]Homestead...and an explanation[/center] Freya hummed looking up as others filtered in. Eyeing the others as they come in. Mateo, interesting fellow. Asim, she can respect another giant. Xander, Michele, Stafford, all unique and curious folks. Ah and Samantha, hmm another curious person. Her mom was right, it's always nice to leave a comfort zone and get to know new people. Freya sighs and looks to Skye, "No no, madam, not a laser, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, is so sci fi. No no, what the team was testing was a step forward in the coil gun or mass driver technology. Firing a tungsten slug weighing about 2 pounds, through a series of magnetic coils, which then imparts an electrical charge to the slug. When it exits the...well for lack of better word, barrel of the weapon, it's traveling fast enough to be near undetectable, and hits with the force of 50 HESH tank rounds." She smiles proudly as she sashays out to the group, "If the prototype works, DARPA will take over in a few years, and then Sweden wants to hire my team to create combat version of a gamma-ray lens weapon. Now that will be a laser-type weapon we can talk about." She grins, grabs a drink from the fridge and winks. Can we all say science geek? She grinned over at Xander, "Tell you what, show me your blueprints for some of your work, and I'll give you the pass code to my lab here on the island. That seems like a good trade." She chuckles softly. [h2][center]Frigga, The battleground Goddess[/center][/h2] [h3][center]It take a Village[/center][/h3] Frigga looked about listening close as orders are given out. She nods then waddles over to Skye's DPV, climbing up onto the back, and flashes a thumbs up, "Ready when you are madam." then looking over and crowing to Ogre, "Eh! Big man! Be careful! And don't do anything too fast, I'm your cover remember? I'll see you on the other side." She grabbed one of the rails in the back of the DPV. the AEW Beta in her other hand resting over top of the vehicle. And then they are off. [h3]Record scratch...yep...that was me[/h3] Roaring over the top of the dune, Frigga braces herself, shaking her head then eyeing her HUD. Quickly the comms-unit connecting with what the rest of the team is seeing. And a target rich environment it seems. LAVs, infantry running about, the mech actting a little strangely. Frigga's weapon letting out crackling lances of white hot energy, blowing infantry off their feet and nearly incinerating the ones that actually get hit. She suddenly ships her gun, and grabs her hammer off her back. And as Queen keeps driving, Frigga lets go of her handhold, and causing the DPV to wheelie briefly from the force of the movement, Frigga jumps up, sailing 17 feet into the air, hammer held one handed, the immense thing seeming to be wielded so easily in one hand by the giantess. A group of infantry who are in cover, watch on and begin to pepper Queen's passing DPV with small arms fire. Missing completely that there's something missing from it. Finding it odd as the DPV's forward motion corrects the front wheels hitting the ground again. One of them shouting, "Who the fuck are these people!? What the hell? What do the want Colm?" Colm another infantry man reloads his rifle, "Hell if I know Jace. Just keep firing, command should..." he never finished what he has to say as Colm is driven to the ground by Frigga's armored form, he'll survive though as it was a glancing blow but he won't be using his arms for some time. JAce though is a little less lucky. As the whistling head of Starbreaker comes hissing through the air. It slams into Jace's left shoulder and almost liquifies his shoulder and ribcage on that side, a lung collapsing and pain shutting his body down, but he has front row seats as he's still conscious as the giant valkyrie themed warrior goddess spins and sweeps, that hammer sending the squad he belongs to flying and rolling to the ground. It's over in under a minute. Jace, former soldier of this Kazakhstan military force blacks out, watching Frigga walking towards the ship. He'd have a story to tell later. Frigga steps clear of where she landed, looking about getting a picture of what else is happening. She nods then chins her mic, "Frigga on the ground, making for the ship. Ogre, I'll meet you there. Don't stand me up." She chinned off the mic and began to jog her way towards the ship steadily, unshipping the AEW in her left hand as she goes, lashing off bolts of white bright hot energy at target sof oppurtunity as she goes.