Well, put like that, It's gotta be diving deep, innit? Because, and here's the thing, yeah, she [i]could[/i] skim along the top of the water, draining those healthbars all the way. And as she went, they'd learn what her limits are for both, and when she needs to surface, and how much shocking she can take, and how long she can be shocked before an eyeful of glass shards seems appealing, and let's not forget it'd [i]suck.[/i] Yeowch! Correction, present tense, sucks! Is sucking! And, to top it all off, there's no guarantee that she'd even [i]make[/i] the spaceport, right? The main problem with wearing down your healthbar--or two healthbars, as the case may be--is that at the end of it, she's at low health, while they're fresh as daisies. She'll have spent the entire time getting gassed and shocked and forcing her way through thick water, while they'll have been riding pretty, skimming across the waves and, you know, [i]not[/i] getting shocked? Noooot exactly ideal conditions for a mad dash to a spaceship that may or may not be A) willing to board her and B) ready to launch immediately or C) willing to try to futilely hold off a dozen Ceronian skirmishers while negotiation and ship prep happen. But, uh… You hear stories, right? Azura grew up in the ocean, so it's not like there's monsters to be afraid of. Or rather, if there are monsters in the depths, it's like. Someone asks you what monsters exist in the depths and you answer, "Oh yeah, there's dangerous things down there, and it's [i]us.[/i]" So there's nothing down there that could be a threat. Right. Course not. We've rearranged the skies and the stars. It's just some deep water, right? We'd [i]know[/i] if Poseidon had swarms of monsters in the depths, right? 'Cuz they'd be on the land, see? And she can breathe underwater! The Pix can't do that, right? Or at least, not for long enough to find her, certainly? They can breathe in the vacuum of space, or hold their breath, or whatever, but they still have to come up for air eventually! Where she can just stay down! All she has to do is stay down there, break line of sight, and the rest of the planet is wide open to her! Sustain herself on kelp and, um, crabs maybe. It'll be an adventure, like that one story about a kid who got stuck underwater with nothing but a knife, and built her way up to making skyscrapers! Survive, thrive, stay down there, and come up on a different continent when she's ready to make her dash for it! So when you think about it, diving deep into the ocean is practically just a walk in the park! Ouch! Or at least, more of one than staying up here! And, bonus! Bonus thought! Because [i]she's[/i] diving, and [i]they're[/i] not, it gives her an opportunity to figure out [i]exactly[/i] the range at which she stops getting shocked! If she knows the range and they don't, that's something she can use against them when they have to come after her! Information is your best ally, after all. Unless a Guardian would like to come out of nowhere and demolish their formation? That'd be a pretty darn good ally, a lot more useful than information. It'd be pretty darn cool if that happened. … No? Darn. Of all the times for the universe not be listening in on her thoughts. Damned inconvenient, she'll have you know. If this were a story, that'd be just the kind of timing for a wise mentor to show up, solve the plot, and pass on a call to adventure, possibly just before dying heroically. Gah! Right! Right! Shocks, gas, [i]diving![/i]