Description: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Apparel: Same as description. Demigod Form: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Name Ranathia Primavalthera Age:25 Race: Salecian Gender: Female Alignment: True Neutral Nationality: Windgracian PoB: Unknown Rank: Phoenix Vanguard Brigade Academy: Windgracian Academy of Strategy and Magical Arts Skill Type: Wisdom Class: Chaos Knight Mount: Black Stallion Mount's Name: Obsida Interests: Favorite Interest:: Art of Magic Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: None Fiance/Spouse: N/A Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Mithos Most Hated Word: Doi Religion: Deity Worship Idol God: Thraanphal, God of Wisdom Holy Blood Evangelina (Goddess of Mortal World Creation) Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Elaire Vastral [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Also known as the Rod of Absolution. The scepter's is very mysterious and only Ranathia knows what its true power is capable of. Only those affiliated with the Evangelina holy blood can ever hope to wield this weapon Evangelina is one of the most rare forms of holy blood in existence, because only a select few bear the blood. With Ranathia being one of those few and inheriting the major blood from her father Luhsein. Opposite: Meira Quote: I will continue to live a life of loneliness since all men are chauvinistic imbeciles. Important Value in Life: Intelligence Favorite Food: Steak fillets Household Name: Primavalthera Ancestry: Ambition: Sin Guilty of Most: Wrath Title : Moon Princess Combat Style: Zweihander, German/Austrian swordplay. Weapon preference: Large Swords Weapon Name: Evenaleistune (Shown in her description) Magic Systems: Psionics, Psyagonics, Glyph Magic and Holy Magic Element: Omni-elemental Weakness: Water Magical Level: B- Special Skills: Unknown Personality: Ranathia is usually a very composed woman. She does have an extreme dislike for men which she shows constantly if they harass her. She prefers to be left alone most of the time and doesn't like to talk to those who she does not know. She finds trustworthy people on Gaea hard to come by and has heeded the warnings that were given to her by the mysterious woman that approached both Meira and her. She can be cold-hearted especially if you annoy her to the point you won't leave her alone. Those who are sworn as her enemy she will show absolutely no quarter to. She does occasionally smile and laugh at times though very seldom. She has confidence that allows her to fight without hesitation. Her courage in battle allows her to overcome even the most difficult of situations. She has a very sharp tongue toward people who insult her or attempt to cause those who are unfortunate or not the will to fight harm. She is only selfish about what she eats and doesn't like to share what she is eating. Those who try to take advantage of her, she plays them for fools by making them treat her to expensive cuisines. When they ask for a kiss from her they usually end up on the receiving of her fist kissing their lips. If you gained her trust you have no problem, but if she does not trust you then she won't respect you at all. She will usually ignore those who she doesn't think deserve her dignity. Biography: A mysterious girl who once was Meira’s rival when they met in the academy. Ranathia seems to come from the prestigious and very well-known Primavalthera family. Says she joined the academy to one day help find her brother who went into hiding after leaving Primavalthera Enterprises. Her brother’s whereabouts are currently unknown at this time. It is known that he is not her real brother and is rather her adoptive brother who adopted her into the Primavalthera family a long time ago. There is no clear record on her path of origin. No one really knows where she came from, but they do know that she isn’t an original resident of Gaea nor is her brother who is an Arkadian of the Primavalthera family. Ranathia is well versed in the arts of magic. She knows every field in existence though she only relies on the primary for fields she often uses. She is what many would call a Prodigy of Magic which is also one of her famous nicknames. Even though it was very unnecessary and the fact she was already in her twenties, Ranathia attened the Windgracian Magical Academy anyway. Despite many of the teachers telling her that there was nothing more for her to learn in the principles of formulas and their usage, she continued to study magic which many professors found astounding. Though she was not a child anymore, she was still the first to ever show such interest in magical arts. Her main reason for joining the academy was so she kept the promise she had made so long ago toward Meira’s mother Melianth. Also the fact, she wanted to see what Melianth’s daughter looked like and if she resembled her mother at all. To her surprise, Meira looked almost indentical toward her mother when she was young. The most distinguishing features she saw about Meira is she had the same color eyes and hair as her mother. Her personality also mirrored her mother’s persona well. She was happy to find out that despite being a princess that Meira grew up a disciplined child and not a spoiled brat. She knew Erialyss was a wonderful mother and both loved and wanted her children to become something when they grew up. It was more than she could ask for and certainly a better job at mothering than she could ever manage. When Meira was under her care she had a hard time getting her to stop crying about what had happened. The girl would rarely talk and just stare at the wall. She wouldn’t even really eat anything so that is when Ranathia suggested that Erialyss take care of Meira. She knew Erialyss was also a friend of Melianth and also one of her friends. She also understand that the best person to help Meira in her fragile state was Erialyss since she had lost both her mother and father and understand how Meira felt. There were a couple things that both kept from Meira not thinking she needed to know about yet since they were dangerous knowledge. The first was the fact she had both a brother and father. The second part the lineage which she descended upon that allowed her to bear her Euphoria holy blood that is only found in females only. The Euphoria ancient weapon known as Meleitling can only be wielded by a Euphoria female holy blood. There holy blood must also be absolute in order for them to wield it. The fact Meira had parents that she could contemplate about made Ranathia rather jealous. The reason for that was she didn’t have any parents she could relate from. The only family she knew about were her two brothers Rhinehart and Reishin who meant missing and her deceased sister Esiruha. She had no recollection of her mother or father in her memory. There were shards of her memory which really confused her since she didn’t understand them. Nonetheless, she carried on with her life saying that she didn’t really need parents to be able to strive forward. As long as she was breathing and had a reason she would continue to stand on her own two feet. The Windgracian military wanted to recruit Ranathia early offering her a quick graduation, but she rejected it wanting to continue to be close toward her new friend who was once a rival. She had to get to know Melianth’s daughter better afte being apart from her for so many years. She remorse how poor of a surrogate mother she was to Meira. Melianth knew that Rhinehart would abandon her child, because of the fact how much she looked like his wife that it stung hard in his heart. She knew it was that Rhinehart just couldn’t let go and that he loved Meira with all of his heart. Ranathia knew that was obvious when her father posed as her sword instructor, but always kept his appearance hidden. But when she saw part of his face it reminded her of Reishin knowing full well that it was her father. She never asked why knowing that Meira should be the one asking and if he didn’t want to reveal it right then and now she was going to respect his decision and not make it any of her business. Meira ran into financial trouble since her tuition had run out where Ranathia who had just found her brother at the time blackmailed him to help her or she would reveal where he was. He didn’t argue or protest and gave the financial aid that Meira needed including paying for any of her meals supplying her with a credit card. Over the time in the academy, she had met many friends. Some asked her help for exams where she decided to help them as long as they did not cheat. She didn’t mind at all trying to teach the ways of magic since she loved to study it and understand properly. Of the many people she met in the academy two stood out. One was a boy who she knew was a Dragonite and was just lying to himself about who he was. She knew that he was afraid of the power he brandished, but it wasn’t any of her neither business nor concern. The one thing that surprised her was how someone like him could dedicate themselves to their work. The second individual she met there was an Angelian who she knew was working for Pheliana. She had heard about the incident in the Kingdom of Eden from her sources that an ancient weapon passed down through generations of the Astarita family went missing. She also recalled the Angelian known as the Savior of Light Eden Astarita, the founder of the Kingdom of Eden nation. Eden wasn’t intended to be its name, but her followers persuaded her to name it Eden which she did. Eden was one of the many Elian Crusaders who defeated Xhosa of the evil Avernia Empire. The weapon she brandished was the one which Eternia blessed which was the sacred light tome known as Ephemeris Luminaire. It was one of the two holy weapons that was passed down through the Edenite family tree. The second was the famous Orbs of Elan known as the Gossamer Facula passed down by members of the Anzulda family who are one of the most trusted families of the Astarita family aside from the Yggdrasil family from what Ranathia had heard about. She knew that the Gossamer Faucla was hidden and only one person knew of its whereabouts. She also knew that only those of Xiashakue holy blood could ever wield that weapon. Of the many things, only a few bothered Ranathia. The biggest of those problems is that she had an extreme dislike in men and any of those who tried to make passes at her walked away in pain or walking to the infirmary. Out of all those boys in the academy, only one of them stood out. One who was just the same as her and didn’t like the female sex. She found him rather intriguing, but she was too embarrassed to ever ask him since she knew people might make fun of her. It is due to this that she keeps her feelings inside. Neither Ranathia or Meira were deployed into combat until the Queen’s evil Demon Siege of Ereis Eisan. Both were deployed as Ancients to destroy the demon army and to force the hand of the queen making her retreat. Both managed to remove the queen from the Guardian territory which they received praises form both the Guardian people and the nobility. Ranathia was promoted by the Windgracian House of Sovereign as one of the vanguard units for the army known as the Dragon Legionnaire who were trusted to protect the rear of Meira when she became reckless in battle. When a mysterious woman appeared out of nowhere and started to follow the group around, Ranathia questioned why. The only answers she got from the cold woman were answers in the form of riddles. These riddles were very difficult to understand and Ranathia didn’t entirely understand them. She won’t do anything about the individual since they appear to be rather harmless, but despite that fact, she reminds everyone to keep their guard up around her. Looks can be very deceiving and she knew that. The woman is a great source of information if you can get it out of her, but she would really like to know who she is since she somewhat looks like her which makes Ranathia question more who she is. HP 27 + (9) = 36 EP 35 + (5) + (3) = 43 Str 8 - (4) + (5) = 9 Def 6 + (1) = 7 Mag 29 + (2) + (3) = 34 Int 23 + (3) + (4) = 30 Spd 21 + (2) = 23 Skl 15 + (3) = 18 Luk 7 + (1) + (4) = 12