A crossbow bolt whizzed past Bianca's head and was lost in the night. The camp was in uproar as the scouts charged through it, striking left and right with their long swords. Camp followers and non-combatants ran in all directions. The ill disciplined levies that made up the bulk of the Priest Queen's armies were filled with zeal, waving their weapons and screaming to their God to bring his vengeance upon his enemies. Though it was clear that the God had not provided much information in terms of where those enemies might be or what their disposition was. The fires were getting out of control as panicked men stampeded through the camp, booted feet dragging trampled tents into the flames. More than one soldier was caught in the flames, dropping to the ground and rolling, or running screaming off into the night. The scouts slashed not just at men, but at tethers of picketed horses, the panicking beasts adding their own chaos to the nightmare as they bolted away from the scent of steel, blood, and fire. Their second target loomed ahead of them, a small compound in the camp hemmed in by a low wall of sharpened stakes. Bianca had hoped that the guards might have been caught up in the ongoing disaster but Lady Luck was not so kind. Troops were gathering at the improvised fort that served as the main food store for the horde. It wasn't a tactical decision, merely the natural result of men fleeing from an uncertain terror to find their courage bolsted by walls and a squad of men still under discipline. "Halt!" one of the guards screamed as Bianca and her riders came out of the darkness. She shot him through the chest at the same instant a flight of crossbow bolts swept from the fort. A horse screamed and went down, spilling its rider and Kali took a bolt full in the throat, snapping back against her saddle and slumping to one side, her stiruped feet keeping her corpse upright as her horse wheeled right and off into the darkness. Bianca fired her second pistol though she had no target beyond the mass of men infront of her, the sharp points of pikes bright with reflected firelight. She wheeled her little troop around the side of the fort and out of the direct path of more bolts. "Lanterns, lanterns!" she shouted and three phosphor laced lanterns sailed over the wall and into the compound beyond, detonating with the crack of breaking glass and the low whump of chemical ignition. One was misjudged and hit the top of the palisade, spilling a brilliant trail of fire across a ten foot length of wall. They curved around the fort and raced back towards Palona in a gallop that lathered the horses in sweat and risked a broken leg if the beasts fond rabit borrow or privy trench in the dark. It was tough to make out what was going on, but it seemed from movement in the dark that shoulders were forming around Torm's attack, as fleeing men who had been put to flight ran into men rushing forward to see what the disturbance was. A half dozen pikemen appeared infront of Bianca only to go down in a welter of blood as a score of iron shields, wielding long hafted axes and murderous expressions leaped from the darkness to hack them apart. It seemed the Silver Swords were not the only company putting in a good night's work.