[CENTER][h1][color=00746b][u]Skobeloff[/u][/color][/h1][/CENTER] When Garrock was finished speaking, Skobeloff frowned and shook his head at Garrock's theory that Skobeloff was just trying to get him out of the way. [color=00746b]"Come now, don't be like that."[/color] The Trickster said consolingly. [color=00746b]"You aren't slowing anyone down. And while you may be old, I find it hard to believe that anyone who shows concern like you did after Shieldwing crash landed on the beach could be truly mean."[/color] Skobeloff smiled at Garrock then. [color=00746b]"You're a good dragon really, Garrock. It's just your concern for your missing Housemates and a lack of sleep has shortened your temper somewhat. I don't hold that against you. And I'm sure the others won't as well."[/color]