[h2]Blacksmith's Forge, Near Lein[/h2] Lein got a grunt in response, the dwarf taking the hot metal and shoving it back into the forge to heat, only then stepping over to look at the sorted piles. "Five days, ye said? Tell whoever sent ye that they can use the usual spares before then." 'The usual spares' being the wall festooned with examples of perfectly adequate, for a dwarf, weaponry on the far side of the forge. It [i]also[/i] meant that whoever was responsible would have to come and get lectured for placing an order on such short notice and not even having the decency to deliver it in person. Or they could go without weapons, of course, but then they would still need to collect the repairs. "I speaks Thaln," the rabbit said after a pause, accent [i]much[/i] stronger and run through with a pronunciation that was [i]almost[/i] Ithillane, but at the same time quite distinct. "It is... new. Very newer? My owner instructed me everything about Candaeln before sending, no time for more language." Although Ardor raised an eyebrow, his attention was unsurprisingly captured by the blades at her waist more than her foreign look, giving the weapons an examining eye. Gesturing at the swords, the redheaded dwarf asked, "Can I look?" The rabbit swordswoman was visibly uncomfortable at the idea but, coming to some decision, carefully drew the smaller of the two swords and presented it for inspection. Now that it was drawn, the intricacy of the craftsmanship was quite impressive; the gilding around the hilt spelled out [i]something[/i] in foreign characters, a regular, wavy pattern ran down the length of the blade, and the original smith had gone to some painstaking length to etch what appeared to be a mighty serpent along the blade. [@PigeonOfAstora]