[center][color=#3BD12A][b]H A R U O K I M U R A[/b][/color][/center][indent][sub][color=#3BD12A][b]Location:[/b][/color] [i]Top Floor Washroom, Kimura Residence[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#3BD12A][b]Timeframe[/b][/color] [i]M orning[/i][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][indent][sub][color=#3BD12A][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [i]Survival Squad Group Chat[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#3BD12A][b]Previously:[/b][/color] [i][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5435137]Link[/url][/i][/right][/sup][/indent] Harry Kimura spent a longer time in the shower than he usually did. The feeling of hot water rushing down his body helped him feel alive, separate from the undead people that gathered not far enough away. Harry rationalized that he should use as much water as possible while the service was still working. Like electricity, Harry was very appreciative that the water was still running. It seemed like having these necessities meant that the world was still working. But Harry knew that this wouldn’t last, as he could still see in his mind the carnage of the first day, zombies quickly overtaking most of town. Yet again he pushed away any troubling memories, Harry just trying to focus on what needed to be done. Clad in just a towel, Harry descended the steps back to the main floor, Kit coming up the stairs next to him. [color=#E39C0E]“Did you leave me any hot water?”[/color] Kit asked, his body language just exuding stress. [color=#3BD12A]“Maybe,”[/color] muttered Harry as he continued to go down the steps. [color=#E39C0E]“I swear to God, if the water is freezing,”[/color] Kit was saying but by now Harry was ignoring him. Harry quickly descended the second set of steps that led to his basement abode. Once there he changed into some work clothing. His wardrobe was somewhat limited as he hadn’t intended to stay after his parents’ funeral, and most of the room was taken up by boxes, the Kimura’s using the basement bedroom as a storage area after Harry had moved out. But since coming back to Huddeen he had slowly reclaimed his room. As he finished dressing, Harry picked up his mother’s novel off his nightstand. Seeing as he wasn’t expected for anything for a few hours, Harry felt it a good time to try and finish the massive tome. That had been his goal last night, but exhaustion had won out and he fell asleep. Harry carried the large hardcover book back upstairs and into the lounge room adjacent from the kitchen. Plopping down on the sofa, Harry began to read again. However, after reading about two chapters, Harry’s phone chimed. Placing the book down and taking out his phone, Harry could see that he had been added to a group chat called Survival Squad. Apparently he had been included in a gathering of young people for later today. It felt weird for Harry to consider himself a young person, as he viewed himself an adult. Put apparently he was youthful enough to be included. Harry quickly sent a message saying I’ll be there. Harry then returned to his reading, Kit emerging from the upstairs bathroom a few minutes later, heading for his room. Just as Harry reached a cliffhanger, Kit came out of his room fully dressed and went toward the kitchen. [color=#3BD12A]“Did you check your phone yet?”[/color] Harry asked him. [color=#E39C0E]“Yeah, the Holloways are running low on food,”[/color] replied Kit. [color=#3BD12A]“Really? But that’s not what I meant. There’s going to be a meeting of some kind today, strictly for the youths of the street.”[/color] Kit then pulled out his phone, and typed up a response before going to the kitchen. Harry returned to his book determined to finish it within the hour. It was very engaging and he really liked the characters. Harry wished that his mother was still around so that he could tell her this. When he was younger, he never told his parents how amazing they were, how proud he was to be the son of two amazing writers. But like many other thoughts, Harry pushed away regrets, instead focusing his vision on the print of the book. It didn’t hurt as much emotionally if he removed himself from the book, to not view it as a work of his mother. [hr][hr] [center][color=#E39C0E][b]K I T A R O K I M U R A[/b][/color][/center][indent][sub][color=#E39C0E][b]Location:[/b][/color] [i]Outside the Kimura Residence[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#E39C0E][b]Timeframe[/b][/color] [i]Morning[/i][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][indent][sub][color=#E39C0E][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [i]Holly[/i] - [@Kuro], [i]Survival Squad Group Chat[/i][/sub][sup][right][color=#E39C0E][b]Previously:[/b][/color] [i][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5435137]Link[/url][/i][/right][/sup][/indent] Kit Kimura was so focused on his agitation that he completely missed his neighbor trying to call him over. With an exasperated sigh, Kit stepped off Mulberry Street and onto his property. However, he didn’t feel like going in as that would mean talking to Harry. And right now Kit wasn’t in the mood to deal with his older brother. Instead he went in to the backyard of the Kimura Residence. While not particularly large, the yard was a nice green space with a few chairs strewn about. Kit’s father had always kept a well trimmed lawn, while his mother had started a vegetable garden about a year ago, wanting to make her family more self sufficient. Since their passing, Kit had done his best to maintain the greenery, though he quickly realized he lacked a green thumb. But even if he couldn’t get the whole planting thing down, Kit still enjoyed the backyard for its peaceful setting. A thing most people didn’t know about Kit was his struggles with anxiety. During his middle school days it had gotten bad enough that his parents took him to a therapist in the city. There he had learned meditation techniques, techniques that he found worked best in his backyard. So Kit sank into a wooden cottage chair, trying to focus on something besides agitation. Thusly he focused on his breath. After a few minutes, Kit had gotten into a rhythm, his eyes closing as he breathed. However, this serene moment would be broken up by a loud pinging noise. Slightly annoyed at his phone, Kit still took it out of his pocket to check who had text him. It was his neighbor Holly asking about food. Kit quickly typed up a response. [center][hider=Message to Holly] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7B7AKyw.png[/img][/hider][/center] Kit then tried to do more breathing but found that he could find no relaxation. The thought that people on Mulberry were already running out of food terrified him. It made the whole situation feel more real, like that society was falling apart. The notion sent a shiver up Kit’s spine, as the cold chill of the morning invaded his body. Deciding that the best way to deal with this chill would be to take a shower, Kit got up and entered his house from the back door. As he approached the stairs that led to the top floor, where the only shower in the house was, Kit saw Harry coming down, his hair still wet. Already agitated, Kit asked, [color=#E39C0E]“Did you leave me any hot water?”[/color] [color=#3BD12A]“Maybe,”[/color] was all Harry said as he went down the stairs. Kit groaned before muttering, [color=#E39C0E]“I swear to God, if the water is freezing,”[/color] before deciding to hold his tongue. As Kit turned on the shower head, he found that indeed all the hot water was gone. While normally Kit didn’t mind a cold shower, this particular morning he had been craving the warm rush of water. But Kit couldn’t stay mad at Harry, as he knew a hot shower was one of his ways of coping. And everyone left alive in Huddeen needed a way of coping with all this change. Kit would keep the shower brief, before heading to his room to change into some day clothes. Deciding on a simple t-shirt and jeans, Kit entered the lounge room and saw that his brother was reading a signed copy of [i]Even Angels Cry[/]. Prior to their death, Kit had never seen Harry read any of his parents’ works, but now he powering through their entire catalog. As Kit made his way to the kitchen, Harry asked him, [color=#3BD12A]“Did you check your phone yet?”[/color] [color=#E39C0E]“Yeah, the Holloways are running low on food,”[/color] replied Kit as he continued to the kitchen. [color=#3BD12A]“Really? But that’s not what I meant. There’s going to be a meeting of some kind today, strictly for the youths of the street.”[/color] Intrigued, Kit pulled out his phone and saw that he indeed had missed a text while in the shower. Him and pretty much every young person on Mulberry Street were now part of a Survival Squad Group Chat. After looking over the text, Kit quickly replied. [center][hider=Message to Survival Squad] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Z5GTpyG.png[/img][/hider][/center] Kit then went to the kitchen to grab some instant oatmeal. As he looked through the cupboards, he also tried to figure out what to give Holly. The Kimura house had quite a few cans of beans, some basic crackers, but not much in the way of meat and vegetables. Kit wondered that if they ran out of nutritious food would they get something like scurvy and die? He didn’t know, he never really paid attention in any of his science classes.