The second half of the twentieth century. The powers that be are locked in a tense nuclear standoff, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Away from the watchful eye of national intelligence, a cadre of exceptional misfits is assembled. These soldiers of fortune are uniquely equipped for covert and unusual operations. In these uncertain times, the line between science and superstition has been broken, and the new arms race is only beginning. You, or your associates, may be faced with weapons, tactics, and actors unlike any you have ever seen. For a price, those exceptional misfits can help. When you’re all out of options, it’s time to call... FIST Hello I'm looking for players for short sessions in preparation for me running this game at this years Gen Con. The game is very easy to pickup & play, also a great game for beginners. Anybody is welcome as long as they are respective to others within reason. The game is mostly about making team of underdog Mercenaries and the people they help or the proxy war shenanigan's they get hired to handle if you wish to have a copy or pdf of FIST yourself then your in luck cause the game is at the moment only $5 at the "TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida" bundle on as well as 505 other TTRPG's @ 2 - 6 players, voice or text on either Discord or Roll20 Characters are made with a communal traits and role index if copy is needed, it will be provided upon game day or before hand if requested if you need another explanation on the game