[h1][b][i]The Raiders of Archaicos[/i][/b][/h1] Long story short, the game is about a ragtag band of misfits who want to stop a corrupt king who overhunts the prey animals in their homeland in order to assert the superiority of all flesheaters. To this end, the misfits often visit the neighboring, more just kingdom of Ukanda. [img]https://scontent.fbeg9-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/1781851_694838690560343_582686598_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=1UILzn2xZ64AX-zCmbP&_nc_ht=scontent.fbeg9-1.fna&oh=00_AfCRlyWEOY65X4hPrkcEFivgUkFJQjpu5oVljf68VW33gw&oe=645CA686[/img] (Yes, I misspelled "Tethys", I know) The tone is fairly optimistic, though I'm not opposed to moments of darkness here and there. Mostly based on other "talking animal" films such as [i]The Lion King[/i], [i]The Land Before Time[/i] and [i]Ice Age[/i]. The characters are not meant to be anthropomorphic in appearance, but they talk and emote: mammals and birds, at least (though, if there's enough interest in the game, and interest in talking reptiles, I'd be willing to change my mind on that as well!). You can use any animal from the Cenozoic as a character. [b]Rules:[/b] [b]1. No god-moding:[/b] God-moding refers to using unrealistic scenarios to conquer opponents, or exaggerating your characters stamina or durability. Don't do it! [b]2. No meta-gaming:[/b] Meta-gaming refers to a character acting on knowledge that only the player has access to. (Exp: Tricking Medusa to look at a mirror. The player knows this, but his character has never heard of Medusa and shouldn't be aware of her petrifying stare) [b]3. No auto-hitting:[/b] This is when a role-player performs a move without giving details in what happens. (Examples: [i]walks to lake[/i] instead of: [i]He heads to the lake slowly, looking around uneasily[/i] Or: [i]cuts off head[/i] instead of [i]He swings his sword toward Durin's neck, aiming to cut his head off[/i]) [b]4. Death is final:[/b] Once your character dies it cannot return to life. [b]5. Try not to overuse non-playable characters and focus your attention on the playable ones.[/b] The only non-playable characters allowed will be episodic ones (this is to be arranged among a majority of players). [b]6. Have a motive to kill playable characters:[/b] If you want to kill a character, develop a motive. You can't kill anyone for the sake of it, since it makes no sense. If one character desires to kill another character, both players must agree that the character will be killed. [hider=Character Template:] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Outward appearance:[/b] (include height/weight, hair and/or facial hair, facial traits & eye color) [b]Personality:[/b] (Don't forget that once your character's personality is created, you have to stay true to it!) [b]Biography:[/b] [/hider] There are also a couple of personal requirements: 1. Being open-minded and eager to suggest, whether it's an alternate plotline, character groupation, or whatever! 2. Having solid knowledge of prehistoric wildlife from the Cenozoic and knowing your way around different animal groups 3. Not bringing realpolitik into the game, please So, any hands?