[@Dark Cloud][@Bright_Ops] As Lanayru investigated from the loft, it was clear that something was wrong. Her heart sank as she realized that Ganon's men had finally arrived at Lon Lon Ranch, putting the squeeze on the peaceful place that had given shelter when nobody else would. Inigo was quick to expel her from the ranch, and Malon seemed powerless to help this time. Her eyes widened as she took in the chaotic scene that was unfolding. The animals were frenzied, their panicked cries filling the barn as the malice from Ganon's men tainted Lon Lon Ranch. Lanayru's fear of the Stalfos intensified, but she knew she couldn't just stand idly by. She had to act fast to escape. With a quick and quiet determination, she did as she was told and packed her belongings, not daring to take a a watchful eye away from the barn entrance. Ganon's minions were focused on their mission outside, but Lanayru knew it was only a matter of time before they would come looking for her or anyone else who lived on the ranch. She had to make her escape before they took over. Lanayru tried to comfort a horse, stroking its mane as she thought of what to do next. With all the animals in such an uproar, this could be the only chance. With urgency, Lanayru unbarred the barn door and began letting the animals loose. She singled out a horse, one that she had managed to calm, and decided to use it to flee. As she mounted the horse, she knew she would have to ride bareback. Before Grindan could make his decision, a stampede of horses and cows burst into the pasture from the barn door. Lanryu’s blue hair flew among the stampede, and in the confusion from the animals the blue maiden was able to slip away unnoticed. She made her way to the north-east wall, using the stolen horse to jump over it and escape the chaos of the ranch. As she galloped away, Lanayru couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She had abandoned her friend Malon, leaving her to face Ganon's minions alone. But she knew that she had to do what was necessary to survive. "Sorry, Malon," she whispered to herself as Lon Lon Ranch disappeared into the distance.