[@Fabricant451] It isn't the soundtrack's fault for why the game is so unpleasant to experience. The nauseating camera that constantly zooms in and out, or wildly changes perspective out of nowhere, is the primary culprit. (Along with all the other consistent visual glitches and bugs that kept happening.) The first song that played near the beginning sounded fine, I guess. But then the soundtrack would frequently cut in and out at times that felt unnatural. So I don't even know how much of "the soundtrack" I actually heard (as intended), when the bike-riding tends to be silent/cut out the music. Plus its open world felt empty, and the game was absolutely boring me to tears. (And the very few mechanics that it did have, were f*cking broken. Like the ability to "call your bike back to you" and the fact that it basically never works. Supposedly due to how poor the pathfinding is...) I digress. What have you been playing? [hr] Review for the game I played instead: Downpurr (Basically Kero Blaster) would be an indie darling. [i]If the boss fights weren't rigged against you.[/i] It's short, but I enjoyed its platforming/gimmick levels. However, I swear most bosses have RNG attack patterns that CANNOT be dodged (well). (So you'll die until the game lets you beat them, essentially.) Next game is Blacktail. My first impressions go as follows… [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/cnzP4cmBsiOrccg20V/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47v1p3nceykhtf475yqnggwznv0tsaipwp4dgpdcbp&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [i]It's intrigued me. Just hoping the combat improves over time...[/i]