[@ERode] Very well done, y u gotta make me sad like dis? :( Choose [u][b]ONE[/b][/u] from the following list! [quote=Divine Spirit Jehanne] [color=floralwhite][b]...In some ways, perhaps your world is just as brutal as ours, despite its lack of magic and monsters. I am filled with sorrow by the misfortunes you have suffered, though I am sure an apology from myself--no doubt, to you, a half-baked sympathy of empty condolence--means little. I will not promise you utopia, nor equality. All I am granting is...perhaps...an opportunity.[/b][list] [*]Frost Arc - Rank I - An expanding spray of icy cold, over 10 feet in one direction and 5 feet wide at its furthest edge. The cold is more intense the closer the target is to the origin, reaching its lowest temperature within a span of about 2 feet. It constantly expends Magic Power the longer the cone is maintained. [*]Scavenge - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Quickly identify useful items in the surroundings. When the User concentrates, "useful" items within 10 feet of them will appear to glow to their sight. [*]Resist Frost - Rank I - Passively increase one's resistance against cold temperatures, the Slow status effect, and ice elemental damage from Spells or physical attacks. [*]Fury - Raise physical attack power greatly at the cost of the ability to use other Skills while this one is active. Consumes Stamina.[/list] [b]I will hope that, despite its differences, this world can somehow offer you more than you had before...[/b][/color][/quote] [@Lucius Cypher] *jumps to a higher foothold and throws cape back dramatically* Yet another returns to bend the knee! But wait--is this...aahhh, I see. By all means, then, FOOL! COME AT ME! *throws all the robes and belts and anime-fantasy gear off with a single tear from the shoulder, Yakuza style* ...Oh, and also pick [u][b]ONE[/b][/u]. [quote=Divine Spirit Jehanne] [color=floralwhite][b]You...you almost seem an Orc already, in Human flesh. Though perhaps you will do well here, I must admit it seems to go against the grain of this...trial. I cannot help myself, for it is in my nature to encourage you thusly: It is not too late to change your path. To redeem yourself.[/b] [list] [*]Breakthrough - Rank I - A single powerful strike, from any type of physical attack, that will ignore an enemy's defenses. At Rank I, the specific target's defense is treated as halved (Strike a shield, the shield's DEF bonus is the target. Strike their arm, whatever protection they have on that limb is treated as the target. Etc). [*]Guard - Rank I - Increase Physical Defense automatically when attacked for a short time and block attacks with muscle memory. At Rank I, this lasts for a single attack and using other Skills at the same time is impossible. [*]Smash - Rank I - Powerful Bludgeoning Attack to enhance a blunt weapon, fists, etc. [*]Tough - Rank I - Passive increase to one's natural defenses. At Rank I this increase is small, but every little bit helps.[/list] [b]Just because others see you as a monster, does not mean you must become one. Your strength could protect many more than it has harmed, if only you wish to do so...[/b] [/color] [/quote] [@King Cosmos] How else would you build an Orc, save with muscle? Also, curse you for exploiting my passion for Karate! Pick your [u][b]ONE[/b][/u] and go already! [quote=Divine Spirit Jehanne] [color=floralwhite] [b]Too late do many children learn that their parents, too, are merely mortal--flawed, subjective in their perceptions, and not always able to see the world through any lens save their own. But you should know, that though it was a flawed, subjective, and sometimes selfish love...it was love just the same.[/b] [list] [*]Martial Arts (Goju-ryu) - Rank I - Increase physical power and close combat accuracy when there is no weapon equipped. Individual Styles may have secondary effects that imitate, alter, or tie into other skills. At Rank I, this Skill must be actively triggered, and consumes extra stamina when active. [list][*]Goju-ryu, the Hard-Soft Method: Secondary effect produces a small additional boost to counter attacks after receiving a blow with the traditional blocks.[/list] [*]Rapid Strikes - Rank I - Strike multiple times in the same fashion (slashes, punches, etc) at high speed. At Rank I, three attacks can be made at half the power of a normal strike. [*]Riposte - Rank I - Parry or block an attack and deliver a counterstroke with increased damage. At Rank I, this increase is roughly 25% added to the original strike's power. [*]Flicker Step - Rank I - Move at high speed in a straight line over a short distance. Rank increases distance and speed. At Rank I, the distance is equivalent to two times the User's full length stride.[/list] [b]...Personally, I am a believer that, if a criminal victimizes another...you cannot know their true intentions or their capacity for evil. In light of that lack of knowledge, I believe the defender should act as if the greatest possible threat were a certainty, and do whatever they feel they must.[/b] [/color] [/quote] [@ReusableSword] It just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it? ...Or maybe that's just the new lava I had poured in my Demon Palace moat... Anyway, choose [u][b]ONE[/b][/u]! And why are you making me sad too, ya bastard?! [quote=Divine Spirit Jehanne] [color=floralwhite][b]Some say that the Orcs were born on the battlefield; the twisted hearts of soldiers in trenches and mass graves, brought out by years of brutal conflict like a blooming flower in the warmth of spring. As if within the heart of every man or elf is an Orc waiting to be set free--the intrusive thoughts, the trauma within the soul, the battlefield that many soldiers never return from even after their bodies are back home among family and friends. I will hope that your experience with war was not so tragic.[/b] [list] [*]Field Scan - Rank I - Ingested Skill. Detect life signs around the user within 30 feet, and remain aware of them for 1 minute. [*]Familiar Bond - Rank I - Create a magical bond with a creature to tame it. Unlike Summoning, this often requires a great deal of time spent, and the creature must remain by the tamer's side. Rather than expending magic power, the proper resources must be present to maintain the Familiar's needs. At Rank I, only Tier I creatures can be persuaded to become a Familiar. [*]Channel Weapon - Rank I - Produce a special physical energy aura to increase the power and durability of a given weapon. Consumes Stamina as long as the aura is maintained, or until after a successful attack has made contact. At Rank I, the boost is roughly 5% the weapon's original qualities. [*]Danger Scan - Rank I - Detect non-living threats within 10 feet, such as hazardous terrain, traps, etc. Remain acutely aware of them for 1 minute.[/list] [b]If it is any solace to you, the truck driver was not harmed, and though your family has been broken by the loss, they are well cared for by loved ones and friends...[/b] [/color] [/quote] [@Crusader Lord] Why do I want to yell "Bazinga" after reading her backstory? XD Pick your [u][b]ONE[/b][/u] Skill to carry over, then! [quote=Divine Spirit Jehanne] [color=floralwhite][b]...Oh my. Are...are you sure that curses don't exist on Earth? The sheer probability of all these disasters...I shall hope that this Luck statistic does not carry over into the next life for you. And I have high hopes for you in this experiment--many have long wondered if intelligence is the primary factor that makes the Orc race so brutal. I look forward to seeing the changes you will most certainly bring about![/b] [list] [*]Type Analysis - Rank I - Choose a specific Type for this Skill: Creature, Magic, or Material. Upon analyzing a target, information relevant to the chosen type will be displayed. Higher Ranks will grant more detailed information. (For example, using Creature Analysis on a Slime would tell you the most generic, widely known information on Slimes as a species) [*]Magical Memory - Rank I - Normally, this Skill requires the User to be capable of at least one other Magic Skill. By spending a required amount of time in preparation, a Spell can be set to "auto cast" under a specific circumstance. At Rank I, only 1 Spell can be set at a time, its autocast is half as powerful as normal, and it must be reset every day. [*]Tough - Rank I - Passive increase to one's natural defenses. At Rank I this increase is small, but every little bit helps. [*]Recover - Rank I - Slowly heal in small increments while not moving. Other healing spells or items used while this skill is active are more effective, but the User cannot perform any other Skills or major actions while this Skill is in effect. Continuously drains Magic Power while in use.[/list] [/color] [/quote] *wipes sweat from brow* Good Lord please tell me that's everyone? Once you've chosen your Isekai Skill, just let me know and edit it in! I think every profile I've looked at so far can be approved at this point, and added to the CS tab.