[hider= Future Appearance][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQKD8lFXMAMRMIt.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Grunthor [u][b]Current Stats:[/b][/u] Level: [b]2[/b] | Form: [b]Orc Runt[/b] | Tier: [b]2[/b] [u][b]Current Skills:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Ingestion[/b] - [i]After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.[/i] [*][b]Rapid Strikes[/b] - [i]Rank I[/i] - Strike multiple times in the same fashion (slashes, punches, etc) at high speed. At Rank I, three attacks can be made at half the power of a normal strike. [*][b]Murderous Intent[/b] - Rank I - Focus hatred and the desire to kill through the subtle senses. A creature that is weaker than you must exert its willpower or be Intimidated (Intimidated creatures suffer reduced speed). A creature that is already Intimidated, Shocked, or Unaware may instead become Fearful and be unable to act for 5 seconds. Creatures that are stronger than you can only be Intimidated by this Skill if they are already Shocked or Unaware, but their willpower threshold is higher. [*][b]Tough[/b] - Rank 1 - Increase defenses for a short time by tightening the body, and resist flinching or being knocked back by strong impacts. Movement is slightly slowed while this Skill is active. Consumes Stamina. [*] Dusk Vision - Rank 1 - You can see better in the dark than normal, like how you would see at dusk except even at midnight. [*] Empty Slot[/list] [u][b]Equipment and Inventory:[/b][/u][list] [*] [b]Leather Gloves[/b] - Equip, Clothes - [i]Oddly, they seemed too small to fit an adult orc's hands, but they could probably fit a Runt just fine.[/i] [*] Slime Membrane - the outer membrane of a typical slime with a hole in it and used as a sack. Needs to be hydrated to keep its elasticity. [*] Lucky Foot - A lucky paw from some bear-like creature on a thin string. [*] Blackened Feathers x4 [*] Fire Hardened Scales x4 [*] Ven Spider Legs x2 [*] Cracked Ven Spider Legs x2 [*] Ven Spider Pedipalps x2 [*] Ven Spider Claws x5 [*] Broken Ven Spider Claw x1 [*] Red Cream Mushroom x2 [*] Raw Goethite Ore x1 [/list] [u][b]True Age:[/b][/u] 26 [u][b]Past Life:[/b][/u] Grunthor's past life name has no meaning nor a place in the new world he found himself in. Who he was didn't matter, because no one knew him in this new violent world. He had been a decent guy, doing no wrongs but not exactly righting any either. Like any human he was kind when someone was kind to him, or sassed when someone annoyed him. He was a give and take kind of guy, giving what he got and treating others moderately well if they deserved it. What was once an up and coming professional boxer is now an orc runt. Starting at a young age he got into boxing, something any kid could pick up right? Punch, dodge, dance and shuffle around the ring, all easy for a kid. Well he excelled at the combat sport since he had always been an abnormally strong and tough kid. Probably thanks to being from a long line of physically gifted men. As he got older he stuck with it, tossing in a game sport or two to make things more interesting. Unfortunately being physically gifted did not mean he was mentally gifted. He was quite...average when it came to academics. Proof being barely graduating high school. Once out he got more into his sport of choice, going amateur to start off his potential fighting career. When not boxing he dabbled a little in kick boxing, he already had good legs and footwork but this helped improve it more. What decent boxer had no leg power to push off into a punch with, right? Unfortunately life had other plans, and while he was out jogging the night before his big debut into the big leagues, a truck came out of nowhere and blasted him into the next world. And now here he is. Small, stringy, and not happy with his new body. Guess he'd have to build it back up. Luckily there weren't any trucks in this primitive world...he hoped. [u][b]New Life:[/b][/u] Day 1: Orc Runt >