[b][h2][color=889194]Captain Argus Fellborn[/color][/h2][/b] Argus was shocked upon seeing what lay within the bear-boar as he beheld its true nature. Not a mere beast, but an undead puppeteer and its fleshy puppet. As a necromancer himself, he was no stranger to just how deeply nature could be twisted with a little creativity, but this thing managed to be unnatural on every single level. The shock was only momentary, however, and quickly was replaced not with horror or disgust, but aggravation. Even after heading onto land, these undead were still hounding him. He wouldn't even get the consolation of the beast's blood- this thing was surely well past the point of feeding upon. At least the skeleton could serve an outlet for his frustration. Ever the dirty fighter, Argus lunged his head forward and bit down upon the skeletal wrist of the hand that had grabbed him, intent on biting the hand off and releasing his sword hand from its grip. Once his arm was free, he'd swing his sword diagonally at the skeleton within, aiming to strike both its neck and a few of its arms. Without its appendages, the puppeteer might not be able to manipulate its puppet. [@Rune_Alchemist]