[h2]Lilia, Dining Hall[/h2] "Ah, yes, I got an invitation with mum and auntie..." the girl mumbled, Ithillin accent stronger than ever as she looked away and seemingly doing her best attempt to hide behind Fionn entirely. It was going reasonably well, given the comparative dimensions of a buff human man and a slender elf, but that could really only offset the lanky girl's size so much. And if anything [i]was[/i] seen, well... she might make a reasonably good attempt at blending in outdoors, but here she stuck out like a sore thumb. At the mention of Cecilia, traces of a blush started on the girl's cheeks, eyes flicking over the entire room to make sure she wasn't there. "Oh, no, I was expecting to talk to the captain today, but there's no hurry..." [@HereComesTheSnow][@The Otter]