[h3]Giselle de Farry[/h3][i]Undead Princess, de Farry[/i] [hr] Giselle remained on guard as she pressed forward with Aleksiya. Passing through yet more dead trees, they were met with a small river, the type that would have added a quaint, pleasant accompaniment to a forest landscape with the comforting gurgle of water. Unfortunately, this was not a normal river, but a stream long-tainted with corrupted blood. This river had ruined the forest. They followed it upstream, but each step they took provoked a further sense of decay and wrongness, and the white-haired vampire unconsciously tightened her grip on her weapon as they continued. Giselle didn’t have to walk much longer to come across a new scene that made her tense, until she realized that the familiar great beast on the ground had long fallen. The Farisian princess only relaxed for a moment before she caught sight of the altar and what was on it. Kordelia. She looked exactly like the day that Giselle had last met her, in better times. Giselle almost immediately approached to greet her, but held back. There was something deeply uncanny and unsettling about this situation. Her eyes flicked between the dead Gorebat, the beating heart that fed the tainted river, and sarcophagus. They were definitely being watched, somehow. Something was very wrong here, even if she couldn’t reason why. It was not difficult to suspect that the being that looked like the Princess of Beasts might not be their former friend. Giselle began to hold out an arm to stop Aleksiya from approaching, but the diminutive vampire had already stepped forward and spoken. [b]“…Kordelia,[/b]” she tensely greeted, preparing for what might come next.