[h2]Gisela[/h2] Although there was almost no lighting, it wasn't [i]impossible[/i] to see for the Hundi--starlight was light after all, and her vision was better than a human's in such a condition... even if it was no patch on the nem's. Of course, if anyone were to light their direction up even vaguely, the reflection from her eyes would be something of a giveaway that there was something alive in this area. Maybe not a [i]person,[/i] but it would still be a warning sign. So, she was standing around with her eyes closed, ears twitching occasionally and listening for the sounds of battle, thinking about what might be more appropriate. Fire? If it came time to destroy the undead, fire was always an option. She'd spent some time to apprise Valmyra of the option of simply... [i]taking over[/i] the necromancers' work and cancelling it, circumstances permitting, but if that wasn't possible, it was probably best to just burn everything. And that would solve the issue of most of them having some difficulty seeing, too.