"[color=f7acFF]Oooh~, weeee~'ve been to the mountains and been to the hills, been to the forest and the beach,[/color]" a lazy mezzo-soprano came from a particularly tall tree in the forest north of town. One would spot the shining golden climbing equipment before the young lady doing the climbing. "[color=f7acFF]We've crossed the desert thanks to a friendly oa~si~s,[/color]" she missed grabbing a branch but caught herself from falling before she pulled herself up to have a seat. She requipped a small telescope into her hand, only good for scouting, and peered South, down the mountain side, "[color=f7acFF]we've seen the lake and its pretty birds, and all its sprawling plai~ns,[/color]" she turned her telescope onto the town finally, before smiling to herself, "[color=f7acFF]but we still haven't been to my~ house![/color]" The song was over as she examined the town, "[color=f7acFF]alright, new town. Maybe it's friendlier than the last place was, oof.[/color]" There was activity in town that caught her eye, "[color=f7acFF]is that a caravan? Interesting.[/color]" The songstress collapsed and disappeared her hand telescope before scaling down the tree much easier than going up, whistling to herself as she did. Once at the bottom, the golden climbing equipment she'd been using was changed into a pair of boots, upon which she proceeded to glide along the ground, heading south to the town she'd seen at the foot of the mountain. The boots carried her through shallow water and over thorny ground, all while she whistled merrily. As she went, she puzzled to herself, "[color=f7acFF]how's that one even go, again? ~I've got a brand new~... Badup bah~ dabah. Ah well.[/color]" As she came into town, her long, gliding strides slowly morphed into a regular walking stride before the boots dissolved away from her feet, leaving only normal boots in excellent condition. It was best to scope the place out a little before being very showy. In the name of such, Trinity found herself a nice cafe with an outdoor section and got herself a coffee with whipped cream on top.