[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=brown]"We ain't 'eaded fer Acheron today, booyagh."[/color] Brutrumukk said as he finished his work on the bars. [color=brown]"Wanna know the best thing about the lowest points in life? The only way to go from there is up!"[/color] With that said, the bugbear slipped through the hole he made in the cage and began climbing up to wherever it was the cages were hanging from. With any luck, a way to release the others would be waiting for him up there. At the top of the ropes, Brutrumukk finds a series of cranks he'd be able to pull the others up with. There wasn't a way to open the cages other than bending the bars though, and Brutrumukk had no idea how long it would be until whoever put them in those cages came for them. Wanting to open the other cages faster than he opened his, Brutrumukk snuck over to the open door leading into the cottage from the balcony. There, he hid himself behind one side of the door as quietly as he could manage and peered inside. [hider=OOC] Brutrumukk stealthily peeks into B13. He rolls a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/25198]19[/url] to avoid detection if anyone is in there. [/hider]