[color=gold][h1][center]The Blacksmith and the Bookworm[/center][/h1][/color] [center][h3][color=EEC041]Location: The Edin Theater[/color][/h3] [h3][color=EEC041]ACT 2[/color][/h3] [@SausagePat][@FunnyGuy][@Conscripts] [img]https://i.imgur.com/emmZpAO.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray] There had been a lot of murmurs in the theater as people were quite unhappy about all the noise in the front. Luckily before any formal complaints could be made, the next act began. The curtains reopened, revealing a new scene in the opulent ballroom of the castle. The set is adorned with sparkling chandeliers and fine tapestries, and the actors, Adam and Raven, stand in the middle of the ballroom, still in shock from Raven's father's unexpected arrival. Raven's father, the Count, paces back and forth, waving his sword dramatically in the air, while Raven tries to calm him down. [color=DarkRed]“Father, please!"[/color] Raven cried, her eyes filled with tears. [color=DarkRed]"You don't understand! Adam is a lord, and we love each other!"[/color] The Count swings his sword with a flourish, narrowly missing Adam's nose. [color=0072bc]"Love? Nonsense! My daughter will marry a prince, not some common blacksmith!"[/color] Raven's desperation grew. [color=DarkRed]"But Father, Adam is a lord, and he makes me happy! I won't give up on our love just because he's not a prince!"[/color] The Count laughed, his mustache quivering with amusement. [color=0072bc]"Happiness? Ridiculous! A prince will provide you with wealth and status, my dear, not some lowly lordling with a forge and a sword fetish!"[/color] Adam looked furious at that point. He unsheathed a sword of his own. [color=f26522] "I challenge you to a battle! And if I win, I can marry your daughter."[/color] The count snorted extremely loud at this. [color=0072bc] "HA! You think you can defeat me?"[/color] He pointed his sword at Adam. Raven gasped and took a step back. Adam held up a hand suddenly. [color=f26522]"Wait."[/color] He suddenly ran off the scene. The count mistook this as a surrender and began to laugh maniacally. But then Adam returned, making the count's laughter stop short. He was now head to toe in a makeshift suit of armor out of pots and pans that he found around the kitchen. He donned the ridiculous armor and charged at the Count with a ladle in hand, ready to defend his love for Raven. The count somersaulted and then cartwheeled, narrowly avoiding the swinging ladle of Adam. He suddenly loops his leg in the way and trips Adam, who was slow to recover and stand up. Raven, not to be outdone, pulled out a hidden arsenal of quirky weapons from her skirt, including a feather duster, a rolling pin, and a rubber chicken. She started throwing each item at her father to keep him from attacking Adam as he got to his feet. The Count grunted dramatically as if each item that hit him had hurt him immensely, especially the rubber chicken as it squeaked through the theater. Roman was back on his feet now and charging at him again, swinging the ladle around chaotically. The crowd of the theater started to roar with laughter as a man on a unicycle with a thick mustache rode out from behind the curtain. He started cycling around the battle, juggling stuffed animal ferrets. This man looked a lot like Duke Lorenzo. As the fight continued, books keep falling out of Raven's skirt with each twist and turn, creating a comical scene of books flying everywhere and characters tripping over them. The man on the unicycle, however, was fantastic at avoiding them. In the midst of the chaos, Adam declared dramatically,[color=f26522]"Raven, you're my library! Your love has filled my heart with words and stories, and I want to write a new chapter of our story together!"[/color] Raven, giggling and wielding a rolling pin, responded with equal fervor, [color=DarkRed]"And you, Adam, are my knight in shining armor! Let's write our own fairy tale, one filled with love, laughter, and a touch of absurdity!"[/color] While the two had been confessing their love, the count had dove at the man on the unicycle and launched him to the floor. The man remained on the floor in a heap of ferrets. Then, the count clumsily got onto the unicycle. The Count was now perched on a unicycle. It was from this higher place in the world that he realized he was no match for the determined duo. He conceded defeat, dropping his sword in surrender. [color=0072bc] "I really want to ride this unicycle right now."[/color] He admitted softly to the crowd. [color=0072bc]"...Fine, fine!"[/color] the Count suddenly exclaimed, catching his breath. [color=0072bc]"I see now that true love knows no boundaries, not even those of class or royalty. Adam, you have my blessing to marry Raven, but you better keep her stocked with books for a lifetime!"[/color] Just then, a band of musicians started playing a lively waltz from the side of the room, and couples emerged in ballgowns from the curtains; they began to dance around the trio. Raven and Adam locked eyes, and without a second thought, they joined the dance, spinning and twirling to the music. The Count watched in dismay as the couple dances away. He subsequently rode off the stage on the unicycle, leaving Adam and Raven to revel in their love. A book or two fell out occasionally from Raven's skirt as the curtains gradually closed. [/color] [center][color=gold] "That's the end!"[/color][/center]