[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] Polina stood there politely as Myrilla continued her little spat with the other maids. It still wasn’t her place to intervene, and even if she did have the personality to meddle or try and smooth things out in that way, she was sure it wasn’t going to be appreciated by the combat instructor, which would surely come back to bite her in the ass somewhere down the line. The Farisian made did make her displeasure known when the older maid figuratively threw her offer back at her face. [b] “Perhaps another time then,”[/b] she replied, unfailingly polite as usual. At least the elf maid had the good graces to politely decline in turn. Kat arrived at that point, and she offered her a sweet as well, even as the demon in the center of all this snapped up her bonbon without a word said. Hmm. House training and etiquette lessons would still be needed. Then again, there was Myrilla, and between the two girls, only one orifice had not been verbally threatened in this conversation at this point… Charming. Polina was sorely tempted to make up that deficiency with a quip, but she couldn’t figure out a way to keep it polite, so she swallowed the urge. [b]“Right. We’re going to have to get you in a maid dress and start your etiquette lessons first thing then,”[/b] she said aloud, echoing her earlier thoughts.