[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/886pMha.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=006633]Event:[/colour][/b] Observational Study 13 [b]|[/b] [b][colour=006633]Location:[/colour][/b] Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center] Taleja entered the laboratory, moving into the changing area as she dressed in her protective clothing. She carefully donned her white gloves and adjusted her white wig to ensure not even a strand of her hair came into contact with any of the creatures she would be working with. As she approached the dragon enclosure, she reached out to touch the metal grate, checking that it was secure before unlocking the door. Inside, she was greeted by the sight of several rat-sized dragons, each one with iridescent scales shimmering in the dim light. She cooed at them softly, her voice barely above a whisper, as she checked their food and water bowls. She added a few drops of a special potion to each of their bowls before ringing a small silver bell. The dragons immediately flocked to her, their eyes gleaming with anticipation, as she carefully fed each of them their meal and provided them with some attention. After she had finished with the dragons, Taleja turned her attention to another task at hand. She took out a small vial of a clear liquid and held it up to the light to inspect its purity, examining it closely. With great care, she measured out a few drops of the liquid into a beaker and added a few drops of another undisclosed substance. She then stirred the mixture with a glass rod, noting the chemical reaction taking place. As she worked, Taleja remained focused and analytical, her mind sharp and clear. She had a deep appreciation for the beauty of alchemy and the power it held, and she was determined to master it. She made notes upon her slate tablet, attempting to refine the mixture she had in front of her. One of the dragons began to falter as it became lethargic, weak, and uncoordinated in its movements. Taleja concluded her side-experiment to return to the study as she approached the dragon's cage. She took the slate beside it as she began to write observations. The dragon laid down upon the floor, as it started to vomit. It was wheezing, showing some distress as it had difficulty breathing. She reached inside as she stroked upon the dragon’s cheek, using a modified version of Gaze of Agony to minimize the level of pain it experienced and made it more comfortable for the creature. She observed how the effects of the paralysis started at the peripheral, with effects similar to the tethering as it spread at a far accelerated rate throughout the body. As it reached the central mass, the creature began to convulse and eventually passed away, succumbing due to respiratory failure. She documented the time of the death, clarifying as she searched for signs of life, before concluding. She moved to place a dark cloth over the other cages before she removed the body from the enclosure, and brought it to her examining table. Taleja took a blade as she began to cut into the creature as part of the autopsy. She carved, interested in the stomach as she sliced into the flesh to open it. An acrid smell was soon detected in the air, documenting as follows: [colour=006633]“Foul and somewhat fishy.”[/colour] As she finished her observations, one of the other dragons in the cages started to grow agitated as she started to switch her focus. She put the tablet alongside the others on the counter as she went to attend to the cages. The slate titled [i]Schierling[/i] was sat on top of the pile, amongst others similarly formatted, and which held observations previously recorded below. [i]Arsen, Belladonna, Blasenkäfer, Bleiacetat, Quecksilber…[/i] [hr][hr]