Aw yiss Saturday. Still waiting on [@Yankee] but there've been some messages in Discord, so it’s not as though they've fallen out of touch. [@Hillan]’s also a bit late (though plenty active OOC so no fear there)! [@LostDestiny] had a post due yesterday but hopefully we’ll see the next one sometime soon. Must have been a busy week for some people! Or just a regular slump~ [@Daxam] should be looking to post around the 20th/21st, as should [@Restalaan]. I will aim to get another Coriander post up this weekend, while Rico can wait until the 21st unless I get some time to make one earlier. No OOC topic this week! I invite anyone to respond to any previous ones you haven’t though (and you're welcome to reply on Discord as well if you prefer it). However, I do have something else to share. I was digging around my notes and I found the [url=!-%28IC%29]beta version[/url] of this RP from the old Guild! I can really see some of my growth in comparing the two first posts, which are rather similar in premise but presented very differently. Just a neat little piece of personal history I found interesting to look back on. And Hillan was there! I’ll do Coriander’s impressions of the other characters at a later date, but for now I’ll do her SBS questions! Her birthday would be April 5th, which has been the suggested revival date of [url=]Jesus[/url], (not that I see her as an allegory, but when thinking of Christian imagery and revival I couldn’t think of anything more fitting). Her associated animal would be a hen/chicken. Blood type B (F). She’d smell like either bread and yeast or earth depending on how recently or long she’s been home or outside. Her favorite foods are apples, milk, and wafers. She doesn’t like anything grape related (like raisins or wine she tried once), though the grossest thing she’s ever eaten was a weird [url=]fruit[/url], not that she remembers anything about it other than its taste. Her favorite Grand Line season would be spring on a summer island or summer on a spring island, though on Melody Island she loves spring the most. Her typical thoughts are: fun kids God prayer growing-up. Her symbolized flower is the calla lily. Her hobbies are reading books (especially non-fiction), playing with the kids, or taking long walks on the island. She bathes every day, like all the characters in the RP, which makes me think on how the Straw Hats (or well, half of them) are freakin’ gross.