[h1][center]Shield Town, Black Iron Workshop, Main Lobby[/center][/h1] [hr] “[b]What happened?[/b]” Oh. Well! That was a question and a half million, wasn’t it! Jemma tried not to feel the panic bubbling under her skin, tried not to display the horrid apathy coming to an abrupt halt. Like [i]all[/i] of her was shocked and parsing the question. ‘What happened?’ He asked, simple as the sunrise. Simple as a heart beat! Jemma sighed and shook her head, dredging up memories that felt both far away, and nearby. Foggy and defined. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]Right. What happened? Okay… okay. Uh… Hm. Well I was snatched up outta the graves by this lady who could set [i]concrete[/i] on fire. I … Remember having all the oxygen in the area snuffed up and out by fire, which, y’know, makes breathing super hard. I think at some point I woke up,[/b][/color]” She trailed off, thinking for a moment. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]Nah, yeah. I woke up at some point, bare as I was born, with this… I dunno, stone coffin? Around me. It was [i]covered[/i] in like, Arabic mixed with Chinese mixed with fuckin Gaelic? I dunno. I couldn’t read it.[/b][/color]” Which, that was a lie. She could. Jemma understood every single letter of script written on that coffin. Understood her [i]entire[/i] life- past, present, and bits of future- had been scored into the stone around her. The recollection still filled her with fear. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]There was this… I dunno, ink? I thought it was ferrofluid at first, cuz it kept spiking up at weird points— Anyways! This liquid was in the thing with me. It would light up every now at then, at little points, which is how I could see. At some point, I think I heard a door open?[/b][/color]” She took a breath. And continued, words becoming rushed as Jemma forced the rest of the story to fly from her lips. “[color=DarkMagenta][i]Then my skin was falling off, and so was my muscles, and my bones were melting and I couldn’t ‘die’ per se. I know I blacked out at some point but that may have just been because, and [b]no don’t interrupt me![/b][/i][/color]” She snapped at Graham, who’s mouth slammed shut. She continued, “[color=DarkMagenta][i]That may have been because my brain finally melted away too. Did y’all know souls are apparently a [b]real[/b] thing? Because I do. I do now. I could feel a part of me that is more and less get fuckin [b]vaporized[/b]. Then I was… Awake but not. Again. There was this tank, right? Like a fish tank. But huge, holding me, but I wasn’t me. I was in this… Half awake state, trying to pull my thoughts back together. Time got real weird for me. Still is! And it never used to be. I can’t focus! As easily, and I can… See… stuff, now.[/i][/color]” She sucked in a breath, pausing for a moment… Before sighing. She told them about three years spent in a state of fugue and utter terror. About experiments run by people in lab coats, about being observed by a [i]thing[/i] that both was and wasn’t a person with ball-bearing-joints. Like a living doll. Told them about the way her new eyes worked. The way her ‘body’ [s]she cackled at the way Koba flinched at her calling it a ‘meat suit’[/s] would just change at random. Ink boiling over her skin and changing everything about her. Jemma told them about the woman of [SUN AND FIRE]. How she would be the one called when Jemma broke free at any point. Or misbehaved, depending on how bad she was being. Told them the tale of her breaking free, months ago, starved for fuel. Told them about how she had eaten people and things. How some glowed brighter than others. How some tasted better than others. How some had been powered, somewhat. How some had been Espers. She recounted meeting Alex again, for the first time in years. Explained that her mind was so scattered and tattered that he only appeared as a meal so filling. Explained how she remembered being shook around and wrestled with. Explained how she had been hunting a woman who sounded eerily familiar to Yue. Ink began swirling over her skin as she talked, turning her fingers into boney claws over twice as long. Her face shifted, her mouth and nose disappearing as eight additional eyes filled her face instead. Arranged in a ring around one larger ocular organ. All filled with varying amounts of pupils. Her voice continued as ink [i]whirled[/i] over her, returning her appearance to normal as she resolutely avoided Alex’ gaze. “[color=DarkMagenta]… and I met a blonde Templar yesterday, along with Rat. We were traveling buddies for a bit. I guess I liked her easily enough? I didn’t immediately wanna eat her. Or Rat. So. Yay? Anyways. I stumbled on [i]your[/i] old house, and it was enough to freak me out. Had a whole mental breakdown as… Everything just… Slammed back into focus. I think people sent me to The Den? I woke up there, at least. Oh! And I don’t really ‘sleep’ anymore. So. That’s cool![/color]” She chirped, finally ending her long ramble. And feeling the pulse of panic racing through the entirety of her being. [color=DarkMagenta]What would they say now? Fuck. This was awful. Who decided communication needed to be a thing. Why couldn’t humans just never talk, that’d be great![/color] Oh. Koba just looked at her, guess she was talking out loud, hah! FUCK.