[hider=Tidus] [u]Basic Information[/u] Name: Tidus Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Merman Orientation: Gay Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy Canon or OC: Canon Role: Research Subject Appearance: Human Form: [img]https://imgur.com/utamHoe.png[/img] Shown in the image. As shown in the image, Tidus is a blonde haired boy with blue eyes that stands at around 5’9” in terms of height. He often wears the clothing shown in the images above although he does take on a slightly different appearance in his merfolk form. Merfolk Form: His merfolk form is almost the same as his human form with the exception of the cerulean colored tail that glows in the dark that replaces the lower body of a human. Also, he doesn’t wear a shirt in his merfolk form [u]Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons[/u] Personality: Tidus is rather energetic to the point where he can be described as “annoyingly energetic” by some. Aside from his boundless energy, he is rather friendly and has a somewhat childish demeanor. He is also rather upbeat unless facing a serious situation. Powers: •Immortality - Due to being a merman, Tidus cannot age past 17 years of age and for some odd reason, is also immune to dying via poison and disease. However, this ability doesn’t protect him from getting injured. •Shapeshifting - From human form to merfolk form. Tidus is able to switch between a fully clothed human form meant for land and his merfolk form which is meant for the water. However, merfolk are unable to shift from one form to the other should they end up being wounded. • Spellcasting (Magic) - Basically Magic. It has various weaknesses depending on the kind of magic and different elements are effective against one another. For example, Fire magic is rather effective on ice magic but it is beaten by Water Magic. Similarly, light magic and dark magic are weak to one another. Also, not casting a spell correctly can lead to some disastrous consequences. • The ability to breathe underwater (PASSIVE ABILITY) •Weapon Summoning - The user is able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension that acts as a storage space for them. Currently, the only weapon type that Tidus is able to summon from that are swords. Abilities: •Tsunami - The user summons a massive wave of water to attack their foes with. This ability is most often used by sea dragons and Leviathan herself although Tidus is able to use it as well. •Energy Rain: This attack requires for Tidus to jump off of an enemy or an object into the air where he then charges mystical energy into his sword before throwing down said energy to explode on his foes (ACTIVE ABILITY) (Only usable in human form) • Blitz Ace - Probably his most notable ability, this ability also requires the use of mobility since Tidus slices at his enemy eight times before using the hilt of his sword to leap into the air before he kicks a Blitzball into his target which… explodes on impact. This ability isn’t powerful enough to destroy a mountain but it can cause a lot of damage. (ACTIVE ABILITY) (Usable in both forms although in his merfolk form, he swims upwards instead of using the hilt of his sword to leap into the air and smacks the exploding blitzball into his opponent by using his tail.) Weapons: •A sword called the Brotherhood [u]Backstory and Other Info[/u] Backstory: (OPTIONAL) Other Info:[/hider] [hider=Vaan] [u]Basic Information[/u] Name: Vaan Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Merfolk Orientation: Gay Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy Canon or OC: Canon Role: Research Subject Appearance: Human Form: [img]https://imgur.com/ioGkUn2.png[/img] Shown in the image. As shown in the image, Vaan is a teenage boy with ashen blonde hair, blue-grey eyes, and stands at about 5’7” in terms of height. He often wears the clothing shown in the images above although he does take on a slightly different appearance in his merfolk form. Merfolk Form: His merfolk form is similar to his human form except for the golden tail with an elegant tail fin that replaces the lower body of a human. [u]Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons[/u] Personality: While normally coming off as naive at first, Vaan is a rather cheerful person who is fiercely loyal. However, there are more sides of his personality have come to light including his stubbornness. This stubbornness can cause him to end up in some dangerous situations. He is also reckless sometimes which can add to the danger that he can bring to himself. Powers: •Immortality - Due to being a merman, Vaan cannot age past 17 years of age and for some odd reason, is also immune to dying via poison and disease. However, this ability doesn’t protect him from getting injured. •Shapeshifting - From human form to merfolk form. Vaan is able to switch between a fully clothed human form meant for land and his merfolk form which is meant for the water. However, merfolk are unable to shift from one form to the other should they end up being wounded. • Spellcasting (Magic) - Basically Magic. It has various weaknesses depending on the kind of magic and different elements are effective against one another. For example, Fire magic is rather effective on ice magic but it is beaten by Water Magic. Similarly, light magic and dark magic are weak to one another. Also, not casting a spell correctly can lead to some disastrous consequences. • The ability to breathe underwater (PASSIVE ABILITY) •Weapon Summoning - The user is able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension that acts as a storage space for them. Abilities: •Pyroclasm Weapons: •He summons the weapons that he uses. [u]Backstory and Other Info[/u] Backstory: (OPTIONAL) Other Info:[/hider] [hider=Bartz Klauser] [u]Basic Information[/u] Name: Bartz Klauser Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Merfolk Orientation: Bisexual (Male Lean) Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy Canon or OC: Canon Role: Research Subject Appearance: Human Form: [img]https://imgur.com/sttvpgf.png[/img] [img]https://s1.zerochan.net/Butz.Klauser.600.2762191.jpg[/img] In his human form, Bartz appears to be around 18 years old with brown hair, two differently colored eyes (Brown and Grey. His left eye is brown while his right eye is a striking grey), and stands at about 5’7”. While this does make him slightly shorter than Tidus, he also tends to wear an outfit that appears to come straight out of a fantasy game. Merfolk Form: His merfolk form is almost the same as his human appearance but with an emerald colored fish tail that has some white speckles on it. This fish tail takes the place of a human’s lower body. He also wears a shirt that is similar to the shirt that he wears in his human form except the shirt he wears in his merfolk form can more accurately be described as a mix between a tank top and a crop top. [u]Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons[/u] Personality: While he’s normally an easygoing and friendly individual, Bartz is so much more than just a cheerful young man all the time. While he does enjoy being around other people, there are times where he would prefer to be left alone such as when he starts becoming overwhelmed by his emotions. At this point, he will excuse himself from any social interactions in a polite manner while he tries to process his emotions. He is also overly trusting which tends to make him more susceptible to being captured by an enemy. This is the reason why those who are on the same team as him receive a recommendation to keep an eye on him so that he won’t end up being captured. Aside from being overly trusting, he has trouble verbalizing difficult emotions and has a fear of heights (Acrophobia). He is also rather innocent and doesn’t understand some concepts of the world. In addition, there are things that he likes and dislikes. He likes the color green and dislikes the color black while at the same time, liking sweet and sour food while disliking spicy food. He has a slight dislike of overly bitter flavors, though. He also dislikes Gilgamesh although he is fond of being around chocobos. Powers: •Immortality - Due to being a merman, Bartz cannot age past 18 years of age and for some odd reason, is also immune to dying via poison and disease. However, this ability doesn’t protect him from getting injured. •Shapeshifting - From human form to merfolk form. Bartz is able to switch between a fully clothed human form meant for land and his merfolk form which is meant for the water. However, merfolk are unable to shift from one form to the other should they end up being wounded. • Spellcasting (Magic) - Basically Magic. It has various weaknesses depending on the kind of magic and different elements are effective against one another. For example, Fire magic is rather effective on ice magic but it is beaten by Water Magic. Similarly, light magic and dark magic are weak to one another. Also, not casting a spell correctly can lead to some disastrous consequences. • The ability to breathe underwater (PASSIVE ABILITY) •Weapon Summoning - The user is able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension that acts as a storage space for them. Abilities: •Multi Weapon Mastery Weapons: •He uses the weapon types found in Final Fantasy V [u]Backstory and Other Info[/u] Backstory: (OPTIONAL) Other Info:[/hider] [hider=Firion] [u]Basic Information[/u] Name: Firion Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Merfolk Orientation: Gay Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy Canon or OC: Canon Role: Research Subject Appearance: Human Form: [img]https://imgur.com/Vrfpunh.png[/img] Firion appears to be around 18 years old with long, silvery white hair and pale brown eyes. He is around 6’0” in terms of height and wears an outfit that appears to be straight out of a fantasy game. Merfolk Form: In his merfolk form, Firion has a red and white fish tail instead the lower body of a human that resembles the tail of a koi fish in terms of color. He also wears a shirt that looks like the shirt that he wears in his human form although it is a little shorter to the point where the midriff is actually exposed (and he hates this but sadly, can’t get a different shirt so he just puts up with it). [u]Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons[/u] Personality: While he normally acts rather cold at first, Firion tends to be rather friendly and loyal to those he trusts. This is because he sees them as trustworthy however, it’s also very possible for someone to lose his trust if he sees them doing something that he considers to be immoral (He considers murder, cannibalism, and the sort immoral). He is also strong willed and has a strong sense of justice although this ends up with people seeing him as uptight. In terms of negative traits, he is hot-blooded which can land him in trouble if he isn’t careful. Another somewhat negative trait he has is how he will not admit his true feelings towards someone. This tends to make it somewhat difficult to communicate with him should he attempt to hide the fact that he has been harmed. He is also stubborn and can be a little overprotective of those he loves at times ESPECIALLY when it comes to Bartz. Powers: •Immortality - Due to being a merman, Firion cannot age past 18 years of age and for some odd reason, is also immune to dying via poison and disease. However, this ability doesn’t protect him from getting injured. •Shapeshifting - From human form to merfolk form. Firion is able to switch between a fully clothed human form meant for land and his merfolk form which is meant for the water. However, merfolk are unable to shift from one form to the other should they end up being wounded. • Spellcasting (Magic) - Basically Magic. It has various weaknesses depending on the kind of magic and different elements are effective against one another. For example, Fire magic is rather effective on ice magic but it is beaten by Water Magic. Similarly, light magic and dark magic are weak to one another. Also, not casting a spell correctly can lead to some disastrous consequences. • The ability to breathe underwater (PASSIVE ABILITY) •Weapon Summoning - The user is able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension that acts as a storage space for them. Abilities: •Multi Weapon Mastery Weapons: Firion is capable of using sword, spears, axes, wands, bows, daggers, and can even fight barehanded. [u]Backstory and Other Info[/u] Backstory: (OPTIONAL) Other Info: •He has to put up with Tidus’s nonsense far too often. •For some reason, he doesn’t use his weapon summoning ability all that often.[/hider]