[h2]Rui, Near Lein[/h2] "Hmph," the dwarf replied, handing the blade back over to its owner, "That's some interesting work ye have there, lass. Never seen anything like it, from the make down to the metal. Something about this steel dinnae feel grounded." There was another fascinated look before he turned back to the forge and the weapon he had been working on. "There must be something else ye want, otherwise ye would nae be cleaning now." For the girl's part, she gave Lein a look that must be altogether too familiar, even if this was a rather different face than he usually received it from. It was the ubiquitous 'are you trying to be stupid, or does it come naturally?' It seemed that some things were universal, transcending language, nationality, and race altogether. "I have full responsibility for how I conduct my observation," she stated, swapping back to the obviously-less-strained Veltish. She [i]also[/i] made no move to go for the soap, or indeed move at all, which probably wasn't surprising either. [@PigeonOfAstora]