[center][color=CCCC22][h3]Jub the Peculiar[/h3][/color][/center] Hearing Brutrumukk's voice and seeing him succeed in breaking out of his cage must have comforted Jub because his mind went from picturing various ways he was going to die to trying to figure out he himself could escape. Obviously, he couldn't brute-force it the way the bugbear had, but with a little magic, he might be able to deal with those bars. [color=CCCC22]"Okay okay okay, I think I got an idea,"[/color] he said, more to himself than to anyone in particular, and produced his wand. Using Fire Bolt more like a blow torch rather than throwing it as someone, he was able to open the door to his and Vansel's cage. Success! Except... Jub looked down from the open cage door to the murky water below. [color=CCCC22]"Huh,"[/color] he said. He turned his gaze up towards the chains he had seen Brutrumukk climb up moments ago, then turned them back to the water. [color=CCCC22]"I... did not think this far ahead."[/color] He turned back to Vansel with a strained smile. [color=CCCC22]"Erm, any ideas, old chum?"[/color]